Farmers blockade supermarket distribution in protest at sustainability policy

Farmers blockade supermarket distribution in protest at sustainability policy
Dutch farmers have blocked multiple supermarket distribution centres, in the latest protest against forced farm closures. Police yesterday advised people to work from home after farmers threatened to bring the entire country ‘to a standstill’. Protests are also expected around Schiphol airport on Monday, which has called for travellers to come by public transport. The Dutch army is also ready to step in if there is a threat to national safety, police announced on Sunday.… Read the rest

Armed Feds Pay a Visit: Amish Farmer Faces Hundreds of Thousands in Fines

Armed Feds Pay a Visit: Amish Farmer Faces Hundreds of Thousands in Fines
  Amos Miller, an Amish farmer who runs a holistically managed small farm in Bird-In-Hand, Pennsylvania, grows and prepares food in tune with nature, the way he believes God intended. This seems like a sound idea to the approximately 4,000 customers who purchase Miller’s meat, eggs and dairy products from his private, members-only food club. The federal government, however, appears to disagree.… Read the rest

Viral Video Of Vietnamese Shrimp Farmers Injecting Plastic Goo Into Their Product Raises Alarms

Viral Video Of Vietnamese Shrimp Farmers Injecting Plastic Goo Into Their Product Raises Alarms
Viral Video: Shrimp Farmers In Vietnam Shown Injecting Their Products With Chemical Goo We all know in at least a vaguely unsettling way that factory farming methods come with a lot of problems. Rampant antibiotic overuse, hormone treatments, GMO feed for the animals, disease, massive environmental impact, cruel conditions–the list goes on. But what many people don’t know is that nearly all of the problems listed about as they relate to hoofed animal facilities also apply to shrimp farming.… Read the rest

Monsanto Encourages Farmers To Use New Seeds Resistant To Powerful New Herbicide, Causing Widespread Destruction

Monsanto Encourages Farmers To Use New Seeds Resistant To Powerful New Herbicide, Causing Widespread Destruction
Death And Destruction Follow In Their Wake: Monsanto Ruining Farmers Crops By Encouraging Illegal New Herbicide Use If there were ever a company you could count on to do the wrong thing, it would be Monsanto. The fact that there is one single corporate entity responsible for so much damage–saccharin and its cancer-related problems, PCBs and the global spread of human and animal damage they have caused and are still causing as municipalities struggle to clean them up, Agent Orange, genetically-modified crops and the glyphosate and other chemicals they require to live being spread by the billions of tons around the world–the fact that it hasn’t been put down like a rabid dog speaks to the insanity of the current system under whish we live.… Read the rest

Glyphosate Lawsuits Gaining Momentum: Motion Filed To Lump 21 Separate Suits Into One Case

Glyphosate Lawsuits Gaining Momentum: Motion Filed To Lump 21 Separate Suits Into One Case
Roundup Time For The Roundup Cases: Glyphosate Suits Over Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma To Be United Under One Case With 21 lawsuits currently pending in cases where plaintiffs claim that exposure to glyphosate caused their non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a motion was filed with the U.S. Judicial Panel to unite the cases to be heard in the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of Illinois.… Read the rest

Nebraska Farmers Stricken With Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma File Lawsuit Against Monsanto For Lack Of Labeling On Roundup

Nebraska Farmers Stricken With Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma File Lawsuit Against Monsanto For Lack Of Labeling On Roundup
Nebraska The Latest Battleground In The War Against Glyphosate: Four Farmers Sue Monsanto Over Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma-Roundup Link The latest salvo in the war against glyphosate has come straight out of corn country, the agricultural heartland of the US, where most people are expected to lean pro-pesticide, pro-herbicide, pro-whatever it takes to increase crop yield in the increasingly challenging life and career of a farmer.… Read the rest

Monsanto In Conflict With Government Of Argentina Over Royalties Collected On Its GMO Seeds

Monsanto In Conflict With Government Of Argentina Over Royalties Collected On Its GMO Seeds
Monsanto Shows Its True Colors: Demands Royalties On Second-Generation Seeds From Struggling Farmers In Argentina Don’t you just love that moment in a movie or television show when the shady guy, the sketchy one whom you have grown to love to hate over the course of the program finally is revealed to be the dirtbag he truly is for all to see?… Read the rest