Youtube Livestream “Fails” to Process Powerful Interview With Aussie Vax Truth Teller Meryl Dorey

Youtube Livestream “Fails” to Process Powerful Interview With Aussie Vax Truth Teller Meryl Dorey
Meryl Dorey is no stranger to opposition. As a leading voice of vaccine truth in Australia, a nation with a No Jab, No Pay law depriving parents of about $16,000 US per year per child if they do not vaccinate their children, regardless of religious or other objections they may have to those vaccinations, Meryl has seen her share of attacks, opposition and chicanery. In fact, there were Australian trolls present on that chat yesterday, March 30, 2016, when Meryl appeared as the guest on the Dr. Rima Truth Reports, broadcast via live stream every Wednesday from 6-8 PM Eastern with access through