Marijuana Arrests Still Outnumber Those For Violent Crime, Especially Among African-Americans

Marijuana Arrests Still Outnumber Those For Violent Crime, Especially Among African-Americans
Legalize It Already: Police Continue Prioritizing Weed Arrests, Especially Among African-Americans The U.S. has a long and checkered relationship with cannabis. The early drafts of the U.S. Constitution were famously written on hemp paper, and founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington even grew it. Yet in the 1930s one man’s crusade against marijuana–using it as a not at all subtle cudgel with which to persecute Mexicans and black people–turned weed into a cash crop of another kind: for law enforcement.… Read the rest

Why Aren’t We Growing Hemp: A Primer On The World’s Most Misunderstood–And Potentially Beneficial Crop

Why Aren’t We Growing Hemp: A Primer On The World’s Most Misunderstood–And Potentially Beneficial Crop
Hemp May Be The World’s Most Misunderstood Crop: Why It Is Banned And What We Are Missing Out On There are a lot of people who don’t understand what hemp is, and the benefits it is capable of giving us. Famously, George Washington grew hemp, and during the colonial period, growing hemp was considered a patriotic duty, as it was used to make much-needed rope and other products.… Read the rest

Hitting Them Where It Hurts: Medical Marijuana Takes A Chunk Out Of The Pharmaceutical Business Revenue

Hitting Them Where It Hurts: Medical Marijuana Takes A Chunk Out Of The Pharmaceutical Business Revenue
MMJ Taking A Bite Out Of The Pharmaceutical Industry–To The Tune Of $165 Million A Year The masses have spoken: if you were offered a choice between taking a dangerous chemical that is potentially addictive and which has possible side effects that have been swept under the rug in order to hasten it to market and begin raking in a profit, or taking a plant-based remedy that has little or no side effects other than increased appetite, which would you go with?… Read the rest

Brazil Approves Use Of Hemp Cannabidiol As A Cancer Treatment

Brazil Approves Use Of Hemp Cannabidiol As A Cancer Treatment
Hemp Cannabidiol Approved For Use As A Cancer Treatment In Brazil; Big Pharma Reaction: <Silence> In a breakthrough legal step forward in the establishment’s acceptance of cannabis products as the beneficial health products they have long been known to be, the government of Brazil has approved the use of hemp cannabidiol as a treatment for cancer. The product, which goes by the brand name Real Scientific Hemp Oil had previously been approved by Brazil for treatment of epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and chronic pain.… Read the rest

CBDs: FDA Gets It Wrong Again!

CBDs: FDA Gets It Wrong Again!
FDA Tells Cannabidiol Marketers that CBD is Not a Protected Dietary Ingredient In a report circulating the Internet, FDA’s position that Cannabidiol, from the hemp plant, is not “grandfathered” under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 has been questioned by a legal scholar. Ralph Fucetola JD blogged, On February 10, 2016 FDA sent warning letters to certain CBD companies.… Read the rest