Idaho: Let Pharmacists Give Vaccines to Kids as Young as 6. Dangers? Not Important

Idaho: Let Pharmacists Give Vaccines to Kids as Young as 6. Dangers? Not Important
Backers of the bill note that Idaho has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country, and they argued that by allowing pharmacists to perform the procedures on younger children, rural families would be better served. One of the dissenting Senators, Republican Sherry Nuxoll argued that she wasn’t comfortable with the depth of the language contained in the bill regarding the content of the consent forms parents would be signing. She worried that there wasn’t going to be enough information regarding possible health risks caused by vaccinations and immunizations.

Idaho: SB 1294 Lowers age of children who can get vaccinated by pharmacists

Idaho: SB 1294 Lowers age of children who can get vaccinated by pharmacists
Clearly the State believes it owns your children and is doing everything it can to subvert parental rights. Equally clearly, you can push back by pounding legislators and other decision makers with a hail of emails refusing to allow these violations. Our human rights & health freedoms are being destroyed. Our control of our children's bodies and our own are being ripped from our hands unless we stop this insanity now.