Air Pollution: It’s Not Just For The Lungs Anymore–New Research Shows That It May Be A Leading Cause Of Premature Aging Of The Skin
When we think of massive megacities like Beijing, Mexico City and Rio De Janiero and the problems they face due to their size, most of us probably think of our lungs.
The mind likely goes to images of traffic at a standstill, bemasked people enshrouded in a cottony fog that has nothing to do with natural weather patterns as they rush through the street trying to get to the fresher air of the indoors.… Read the rest
Tag: lungs
Where You Live Could Have A Tremendous Impact On Your Cardiac Health
One In Ten Americans At Elevated Risk For Cardiac Disease Simply Based On Geography
The great dream of total interconnectedness amongst the majority of the people of the world has largely reached fruition in the internet age. But there was an earlier version of that dream of connection, the American dream of the highway.
The great interstate highway system had its detractors and its issues, but one thing is undeniable, highways connected Americans to one another in ways that could not even have been imagined just a hundred years previously.… Read the rest