Unhappy With DEA Restrictions On Marijuana Research, Washington State Begins Its Own Testing Program

Unhappy With DEA Restrictions On Marijuana Research, Washington State Begins Its Own Testing Program
Onerous DEA Regs Getting Irksome: Washington State Sidesteps Them On Marijuana Testing In the wake of the DEA’s latest inexplicable decision to keep marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug (read: huge favor for Big Pharma) the agency’s collective jamming of its head in the sand caused many observers threw up their hands in a collective WTF moment. The Schedule 1 designation puts marijuana on the same plane of potential danger as heroin, and indicates that it has no known medical use, a notion which the DEA’s own actions contradict: if there is no known medical use for it, why has the DEA opened up testing protocols and regulations, allowing pharmaceutical companies to grow their own strains for testing purposes, and to develop pharmaceuticals from the plant?… Read the rest

While Deluded Drug Warriors Continue To Fight Battles That Were Lost Back In The “Reefer Madness” Days, Many Seniors Are Turning To Medical Marijuana

While Deluded Drug Warriors Continue To Fight Battles That Were Lost Back In The “Reefer Madness” Days, Many Seniors Are Turning To Medical Marijuana
Marijuana: Its Not Just For Kids Anymore: Seniors Turning With Increasing Frequency To Medical Marijuana Treatments For A Variety Of Ailments Visit www.NSFMarketplace.com for pure CBC products at great prices! “But what about the children? Won’t somebody think of the children??” That is a line from a wonderful character that most hardcore fans of the Simpsons will recognize as being Mrs.… Read the rest

Marijuana And Inflammatory Diseases: How One Study Has Shown That Marijuana Can Put Crohn’s Disease And Others In Full Remission

Marijuana And Inflammatory Diseases: How One Study Has Shown That Marijuana Can Put Crohn’s Disease And Others In Full Remission
Crohn’s Disease And Marijuana: Exciting New Study Shows That The Drug Can Send Crohn’s And Other Inflammatory Diseases Into Remission As the tide is turning in the U.S. and around the world in favor of liberalizing ridiculous anti-marijuana laws, the new freedom to test the plant’s well-known but little lab-tested healing properties has opened up a whole new world. Studies that previously might not get funded by universities and other institutes fearful of the mindless thugs of the DEA kicking down their doors, or even just potential studies that fell victim to the chilling effect of doubtful administrators are now bursting out of an academia that is finding new, innovative ways this wonder plant can be used to benefit the suffering.… Read the rest