First In A Promised Cascade Of Charges Stemming From Flint Water Crisis, Three Michigan Officials Face Criminal Sanctions

First In A Promised Cascade Of Charges Stemming From Flint Water Crisis, Three Michigan Officials Face Criminal Sanctions
Three Michigan Officials Are First To Be Charged In Flint Water Crisis–Prosecutor Says They Won’t Be The Last In what prosecutors promise is the first in a long line of criminal charges against various officials linked to the Flint water crisis, three state and local officials were formally charged on Wednesday for their roles in the catastrophe. The officials face multiple felonies and misdemeanor charges accusing them of misconduct, tampering with evidence, and “willfully” misleading federal officials.… Read the rest

Taskforce on Flint water crisis concludes it was an “environmental injustice”

Taskforce on Flint water crisis concludes it was an “environmental injustice”
Panel: race a factor in Flint “environmental injustice” In a move that surprised exactly no one, a taskforce has concluded that the poisoning of the citizens of Flint, Michigan constituted what they termed an “environmental injustice.” The panel concluded in its 116-page report that the residents of Flint did not “…enjoy the same degree of protection… provided to other communities.” The report also took pains to point out that the majority of residents of Flint are African-American, painting in stark terms that the true and most severe costs of deteriorating environmental standards are always borne first by the poor and minority communities.… Read the rest