Why Are You Pushing, Doc? Eight Reasons Your Doctor Insists On Giving Your Child Vaccines

Why Are You Pushing, Doc? Eight Reasons Your Doctor Insists On Giving Your Child Vaccines
Some Common Reasons Your Doctor Pushes For Vaccines–And Some You May Not Know About We are taught from a young age to trust doctors. Like the images of friendly policemen and noble firemen, doctors are usually portrayed in our collective consciousness as kindly, benevolent characters who only went into medicine out a strong desire to help humanity. Unfortunately, while there are of course many doctors who fit this stereotype, they are just as human as the rest of us.… Read the rest

The Grass Isn’t Always Greener: Those Lush, Green Lawns Come At A Hefty Environmental Price In Terms Of Not Only Water, But Herbicides Too

The Grass Isn’t Always Greener: Those Lush, Green Lawns Come At A Hefty Environmental Price In Terms Of Not Only Water, But Herbicides Too
Green Grass And Glypho Forever: How Monsanto Has Locked Down Lawn Treatments, Locking Suburbanites In A Destructive Environmental Spiral It’s hard to believe, but there was a time in the not so distant past when newly settled Americans had to bring their own grass seed over with them from Europe. Longing for hominess of the England’s green, settlers would bring grass seed with them, jealously guarded and tied in sachets they wore around their necks like precious jewels.… Read the rest

A Shocker: EPA Actually Takes Steps To Protect The Environment, Halting Sales Of Bayer’s Toxic Insecticide Belt

A Shocker: EPA Actually Takes Steps To Protect The Environment, Halting Sales Of Bayer’s Toxic Insecticide Belt
EPA Wins One For The Environment For A Change, Wins Fight To Ban Bayer’s Deadly Insecticide Containing Flubendiamide In these days of captive agencies cravenly cowering before the power of the billion dollar corporations they are supposed to be regulating (for reference, please see Wall Street/SEC, factory farming/USDA, pharmaceuticals/FDA, etc. etc.) it always comes as a shock when a regulatory agency actually, you know, regulates something in such a way that it benefits the people and the environment.… Read the rest

Big Pharma Gives Docs Big Bucks To Peddle Their Drugs–You Won’t Believe How Rotten This System Really Is

Big Pharma Gives Docs Big Bucks To Peddle Their Drugs–You Won’t Believe How Rotten This System Really Is
Sickening: Big Pharma’s Big Bribery Scheme Employing Compliant Docs To Peddle Their Poison Will Make You Ill If you’re on a budget like most people these days, and have been prescribed medication by a doctor, you were probably grateful if he or she was able to give a you few starter pills out of the stocks of samples kept in the office drug closet.… Read the rest

A Complete 360: Turning Trash Into Fuel May Sound Like Science Fiction, But It May Be The Only Way To Save The Planet

A Complete 360: Turning Trash Into Fuel May Sound Like Science Fiction, But It May Be The Only Way To Save The Planet
Saving The Oceans: The Answer May Lie In A Futuristic Plant To Turn Trash Into Fuel As anyone who has been paying any amount of attention knows, the oceans are in trouble. Big trouble. From coral bleaching killing off upwards of a fourth of the coral that makes up the Great Barrier Reef to massive fish and sea mammal die-offs in the South Pacific, to the horrific amounts of plastic that litter the oceans creating massive artificial island of garbage that routinely poison, strangle and kill millions of fish and birds, never before has our disdain for the environment that sustains us been on such stark display.… Read the rest

SAFE food act passes out of Senate Committee, stark hypocrisy on display

SAFE food act passes out of Senate Committee, stark hypocrisy on display
Not a day goes by without some politician or another doing something utterly hypocritical. It is increasingly apparent that anyone who goes into politics isn’t actually a human, but rather a person-shaped alien who is lacking the gene marker for what we earthlings call “shame.” But with the passage of the SAFE Act–the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act–through the Senate Agriculture committee, Americans are one step closer to not being able to know what GMOs are in our food.… Read the rest


Congress’ latest outrage: toxic chemical safe levels decided not by science, but by lobbyists   There are certain people we entrust with certain decisions. You have a financial advisor for your money questions. You wouldn’t ask the guy pumping your gas for stock tips. And when it comes to our health and physical well-being, most of us would probably agree that our questions are best answered by scientists and doctors.… Read the rest


Illegal mines in Brazil leaving behind legacy of mercury poisoning for natives Over 90 percent of indigenous communities in Brazil’s Amazon have been affected by mercury poisoning, according to a new study. The joint study conducted by the Brazilian health foundation Fiocruz, the Hutukara Yanomami Association, the Yekuana Association, and the Brazilian NGO Socio-Environmental Institute tested hair samples from indigenous people in 19 different communities in one region of Brazil’s Amazon.… Read the rest