Is driving an electric car immoral? Here’s what they DON’T tell you

Is driving an electric car immoral? Here’s what they DON’T tell you
‘You dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just one battery’ Driving an electric car has been heralded as a moral virtue and, of late, the solution to record-high gas prices. There’s certainly a benefit from curbing air pollution, but the question is, at what cost? In a column highlighted by Powerline blogger John Hinderaker, engineer and energy expert  and author of the 2021 book “Clean Energy Exploitations: Helping Citizens Understand the Environmental and Humanity Abuses That Support Clean Energy”.… Read the rest

The Fracking Truth: In A Rare Moment Of Honesty, Former Governor Admits His State’s Policies Favored Economics Over Safety During Fracking Boom

The Fracking Truth: In A Rare Moment Of Honesty, Former Governor Admits His State’s Policies Favored Economics Over Safety During Fracking Boom
Fracking Goes Boom: Former Governor Admits Economics Are Routinely Put Above Safety When It Comes To The Fracking Industry Q: What do you call an honest politician? A: Retired. A small joke for you there. And let’s be honest: even that’s not really true. Most retired politicians will say whatever the highest bidder asks them to–perhaps its force of habit, or a genetic predisposition, who knows.… Read the rest

Looking For Drugs In All The Wrong Places: Survey Finds 100 Percent Of Streams And Waterways Tested Contain Pharmaceuticals

Looking For Drugs In All The Wrong Places: Survey Finds 100 Percent Of Streams And Waterways Tested Contain Pharmaceuticals
Hey Drug Warriors, You’re Looking In The Wrong Places: Pharmaceuticals Found In 100 Percent Of US Streams Tested Remember in old cartoons and sitcoms how hapless fishermen would sometimes haul up an old boot from the depths of a stream or lake to symbolize his or her ineptitude and the filthiness of their fishing holes? Always good for a laugh on Saturday morning cartoons.… Read the rest

Aging Skin May Be Worse For City Dwellers: Emerging Research Shows That Air Pollution May Be A Much Bigger Cause Than Previously Thought

Aging Skin May Be Worse For City Dwellers: Emerging Research Shows That Air Pollution May Be A Much Bigger Cause Than Previously Thought
Air Pollution: It’s Not Just For The Lungs Anymore–New Research Shows That It May Be A Leading Cause Of Premature Aging Of The Skin When we think of massive megacities like Beijing, Mexico City and Rio De Janiero and the problems they face due to their size, most of us probably think of our lungs. The mind likely goes to images of traffic at a standstill, bemasked people enshrouded in a cottony fog that has nothing to do with natural weather patterns as they rush through the street trying to get to the fresher air of the indoors.… Read the rest

Where You Live Could Have A Tremendous Impact On Your Cardiac Health

Where You Live Could Have A Tremendous Impact On Your Cardiac Health
One In Ten Americans At Elevated Risk For Cardiac Disease Simply Based On Geography The great dream of total interconnectedness amongst the majority of the people of the world has largely reached fruition in the internet age. But there was an earlier version of that dream of connection, the American dream of the highway. The great interstate highway system had its detractors and its issues, but one thing is undeniable, highways connected Americans to one another in ways that could not even have been imagined just a hundred years previously.… Read the rest