The Fracking Truth: In A Rare Moment Of Honesty, Former Governor Admits His State’s Policies Favored Economics Over Safety During Fracking Boom

The Fracking Truth: In A Rare Moment Of Honesty, Former Governor Admits His State’s Policies Favored Economics Over Safety During Fracking Boom
Fracking Goes Boom: Former Governor Admits Economics Are Routinely Put Above Safety When It Comes To The Fracking Industry Q: What do you call an honest politician? A: Retired. A small joke for you there. And let’s be honest: even that’s not really true. Most retired politicians will say whatever the highest bidder asks them to–perhaps its force of habit, or a genetic predisposition, who knows.… Read the rest

What’s Your Fracking Problem? New York State Has One: 17 Foals Born With Rare Birth Defect May Be Linked To Fracking Fluids On Site

What’s Your Fracking Problem? New York State Has One: 17 Foals Born With Rare Birth Defect May Be Linked To Fracking Fluids On Site
Fracking May Be Related To A Cluster Of Foals In New York State Born Stillborn Or With Rare Genetic Disorders A cluster of rare birth defects and stillborn foals at a horse breeding facility in the Southern Tier of New York has many crying foul over the possibility of fracking chemicals tainting water supplies. So far 17 foals have been identified with the inability to swallow, also known as dysphagia, and the site’s owner believes fracking could be to blame.… Read the rest