90% “COVID” Ventilator Patients Die!

Opinion by Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation
Vital Information: More than 90% of people put on ventilators “for” COVID-19 die. Many of those deaths are caused by the ventilators themselves, drugs used for intubation and ventilator “care”, medical errors, neglect and incompetence.
The above video from Brasscheck.TV and Real Food Network is a Must Watch, Must Share Truth Bomb.
I am a physician and I do not disagree with a single word of this important – and truly frightening – video.
Save lives. Share this now.
With this link: http://www.opensourcetruth.com/what-you-dont-know-about-ventilators-will-kill-you-or-a-loved-one/
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Source: https://realfoodchannel.com/the-dark-truth-about-ventilators/