An Open Letter to Mr. Trump

An Open Letter to Donald J. Trump on the COVID Vaccine
Link to An Open Letter to Joseph R. Biden on the COVID Vaccine

Don’t You Dare, Mr. Trump.
Your Vaxx Commands are Unlawful

[Please note:  OST is neither pro- nor anti- either Trump or Biden. Our concern is #DontYouDare] 

You may be President, Mr. Trump, but that means you are bound by US and International Law. You cannot expect me to submit to an experiment (or treatment) with my body. Look, Mr. Trump, you are wrong, just plain wrong . [1]

And in the next few weeks, if you command us as the newly re-elected President of the United States to take the EXPERIMENTAL COVID vaccines, approved by the FDA as an experimental option through an Emergency Use Authorization [EUA] you will be wrong again. And your error will threaten our lives and, indeed, our very DNA.

Pun intended or not, your commands, your edicts, most certainly do not trump our rights.  And we say, to any attempt to do so, “#Don’t You Dare!”

 Our right of Informed Consent, guaranteed when the US ratified the Geneva Convention, was succinctly stated in the Nuremberg Code, promulgated by the United States, and binding on it,  as a victor in World War II: it was designedto protect humanity from medical tyranny.

 And your edicts, if forced upon us, are, in fact, exactly that: medical tyranny.

The Nuremberg Code tells us that Informed Consent is absolute::

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.” [2]

As if International Law ratified into US law were not enough, even before the ratification of the Geneva Conention, US law has protected the right of Informed Consent since 1914 when the first significant Informed Consent case in the USA was decided. [3]

In that case, Judge, later Justice, Cardoza said,

“Every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body; and a surgeon who performs an operation without his patient’s consent commits an assault for which he is liable in damages.”

In case you need more schooling on why we say #Don’t You Dare even think about compelling us to take the COVID vaccine, Mr. Trump, let me remind you that the UN Bioethics Declaration is quite specific on the issue of Informed Consent: [4]

“Article 6 – Consent – 1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. … Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any claim to engage in any activity or to perform any act contrary to human rights, fundamental freedoms and human dignity…”

More, Mr. Trump? Let’s look to your own FDA which has produced a clear and convincing legal statements regarding the right of Informed Consent in its explanation of the EUA process. Here’s what FDA has to say on our right of Informed Consent and EUA-approved vaccines::

“FDA must ensure that recipients of the vaccine under an EUA are informed, to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances, that FDA has authorized the emergency use of the vaccine, of the known and potential benefits and risks, the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown, that they have the option to accept or refuse the vaccine, and of any available alternatives to the product. Typically, this information is communicated in a patient “fact sheet.” The FDA posts these fact sheets on our website.” [5] [emphasis added]

Therefore, Mr. Trump, when you and your minions tell us what we must do we say to you, #DontYouDare!

However much you would like to, the fact, and the law, is that you may not force us to be vaccinated. You may not coerce us.  You may not deny us our natural rights unless we choose, willingly and with all available information clearly set forth, comply.  Those natural rights of US Citizens are protected from Federal and State infringement by the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment which states that our rights may not be violated under color of law.

Now, Mr. Trump,  it is true that your predecessor, Mr. Obama, in his last month in office in 2016 did sign The 21st Century Cures [sic]Act, which attempted to “get around” the clear and binding law of Informed Consent. The 21st Century Cures [sic] Act , adopted by both Republicans and Democrats, was, indeed, a curious enactment.  Besides giving a few billion dollars to Big Pharma — truly chump change to them — it provided that, for FDA-approved clinical trials, it would no longer be required that the drug companies obtain the written Informed Consent of the subjects of the trial — if there were more than 8,000 of them.

This was indeed curious, since most drug trials have far fewer subjects.  But not all.  Vaccine trials often have large numbers of subjects.  Until that act was signed into law, hey had to be informed about the risks and they had the right to refuse.  But, apparently, someone was thinking ahead.  “What”, some lobbyist no doubt thought, “if we have a ‘surprise’ pandemic and need to rush out a vaccine at warp speed?”  I suppose that’s why lobbyists have such huge salaries.  Great foresight… Do you suppose they have corporate-issued Ouija boards?

Nonetheless, Mr. Trump, this law has not been upheld by any court and, despite the best efforts (sarcasm intended) of many, do not abolish Informed Consent.  It just makes it a bit easier for politicians and drug companies to avoid proof of Informed Consent.  And, as I am sure you remember, if you do not assert your right it will be, as the lawyers say, “deemed waived.” [6]

What are we conscientious advocates of Health Freedom, of one’s own health freedom  to do?

The answer is simple and compelling, Mr. Trump.  Those of us who choose to preserve and use their right of Informed Consent must, thanks to that disastrous act, prepare in advance to assert our rights and to demand that our right to Informed Consent be accommodated, as required by the Civil Rights Acts.

You will remember, as we Health Freedom Advocates do, that the Civil Rights Acts, oblige governments, employers, schools and other places of public accommodation, to honor our rights and permit us to go about our business unmolested.

Mr. Trump, we are providing this letter to Health Freedom Advocates to that they can copy and use it, if they so choose.  Why might they choose to do so? Simple.  They do not want a vaccine, let alone a vaccine developed at “warp speed” employing novel technologies, which has never been tested on young, old or ill people, used on themselves and their children.  They choose not to have gene editing fragments of lab-created franken-code inserted into their bodies, with highly toxic nanomaterials which have, indeed, never, ever been shown to prevent or reduce either transmission or symptom severity of a disease with a much-greater-than-99%-survival rate.

And while we remind those same Health Freedom Advocates to get, and use the Advance Vaccine Directive card, which asserts the right of Informed Consent by asserting the right to refuse to be vaccinated:


[Instructions for Health Freedom Advocates: Download and print out the following Draft Right of Informed Consent Letter. Make a separate copy or each person who is refusing the experimental vaccine.  If protecting a child, sign in this matter for the child “Child’s name (by Your Name, Your Relationship to the child – generally this will be either “parent” or “guardian”)”]

The undersigned does not give Informed Consent for the experimental COVID vaccination which has been granted an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the Food and Drug Admiration. This conscientious objection and refusal to give Informed Consent is not predicated on any specific statutory exemption, or limitation, but is based upon the universal right to Informed Consent.

I object, on conscientious grounds, to the administration of the experimental COVID vaccine for myself and for those for whom I am guardian. This objections is based on  bona fide and sincerely held primary beliefs.

This assertion of Right is protected under state and federal law, including the First Amendment and the 1964 Civil Rights Act: Sec. 201, 202, 203 and 204. I hereby object in writing that the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with my tenets or practices.

I hereby demand accommodation of beliefs under the Civil Rights Acts. The Civil Rights Acts require that employers and others in the public accommodate my sincerely held primary beliefs. I assert that I and those for whom I am also asserting this right will be subject to irreparable harm if my/his/her civil right to Informed Consent is not accommodated and therefore I do not give Informed Consent to administration of the emergency COVID vaccination.

Signed:___________________________________________ [signature]

Print Name:________________________________________



Mr. Trump, what will you do when a majority of Americans refuse the COVID vaccine, as various opinion polls suggest they will? [7] Will you ignore the will of the majority on this issue as well?

We’ve looked at the steady-state mortality statistics here in the US over the last several years. We’ve looked at the cooked books of unreliable and inappropriately distorted technology yielding absurd “cases” of “COVID”. We’ve studied the science, or total lack thereof, behind masking and social distancing as “transmission controls”. We understand that we are being lied to persistently and consistently. We do not trust the obviously doctored “facts”, the dangerous “remedies” or believe you and your assertions about the Declared [so-called] “Pandemic”.

We do not trust the government or the lockdowns and we most certainly do not trust the experimental vaccines.  We know that every irrational step you have promoted regarding COVID has been aimed at preventing the one public health result that could control the disease:  Community, not “Herd”, Immunity. [8]

Don’t lie to us anymore.  #DontYouDare

We await your response, Mr. Trump,

Yours in health and freedom,

The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation for
We the People of the United States of America




[3] Schloendorff v. Society of New York Hosp.,105 N.E. 92, 93 (N.Y. 1914)






16 thoughts on “An Open Letter to Mr. Trump

  1. You rock, Mr. President!! Keep fighting the fight to be declared the rightful winner of this election. The US needs you!! God bless you and your family.
    Please do not allow any vaccine mandate. Thank you for listening.

  2. Please the person writing this thinks she knows everything even though she is a dr, how many dr’s disagree with her? You are talking about a country that took every right of every Native person away from them and killed anyone that did not follow their rules . So you believe that are you giving your land back to the Native people? When the WHITE man after stealing the Constitution from the Native people made sure they were not part of it.
    The woman making this letter has been pushing CBD oil forever. Yes it helps some people but not many of the people with REAL pain. If it did work as good as the pushers said it did everyone would be on it. Sorry it doesn’t work for many people around me and my partner and my friends. While they are talking
    real medicine away from as many people as they can then push them to take that, Really useless. Well I guess it works as good as aspirin does. How about free win to a store owner saying if you did not have your shot you are not allowed in my store. I know I would not want to be sitting on plane was allowing people to wear a mask or not, have the short or not. I know a case this weekend. My friend a Native woman and three other people were on a helicopter all except one had the mask on. Now they all have the virus. The one with out the mask was first tested- positive, Now they all have the symptoms and have to go get tested. The one woman was one of the first people to get the virus and almost died. They thought she was dead. Half of The hospital was in Quarantine, she was stuck in there for 5 weeks. Now she is starting to get it. I gave her a few ideas to do before she goes to the hospital. Second time around will it be as bad or worse?
    The law of the land is the law of the land – based on that if you don’t like it change it. Jesus even said that. It is based on the rich people always. I bet you are rich and well off now. Pushing CBD oil for how many years, since it was first released? Why are there still so many people in pain. You are DR, right? You know the vaccine for the flu has three poisons in it. Even that help kill people in time. How many people still take it. The only thing people will see is the short term effects. But by the time people find the long term effect which will be Sterilization, Double DNA, and the number of Artistic children will change from one out of 40 to one out of three in the next five years from the first Vaccine. What will it be be after lot’s of people take the new one? I am not even talking about the 5% of people they already admit it will not help. Check the numbers that have already died from the vaccine. Over a month ago it was 24 they admitted. . Are they really going to keep track of everyone after they take the shot? Are they going to follow you ever where you go? Check out what the two richest people are working on for that , The chip is already made. The same as the chip has already been inside every computer for years. The old days of tubes needed power to heat them up, now transistors don’t need it so why is the light always on. ?? The truth is out their but free will is not the answer. Man drink and does drugs check out those numbers. It is mind Boggling. We have no morals now and most people don’t even know what that means other then one should not steal or lie.

    1. You made a number of good points Tommy H. However, your rambling and your lack of punctuation lessens the impact for the reader. A re-do would be helpful so that more of what you said may be understood.

    2. why are you so vague on lots of things ? – “pushing forever” ? – is that what 25-30 years is ? – 1st of all mask don’t do any good to block virus -Dr Fraud Fauci admits that – – + the U.S. Surgeon General, at beginning of COVID crisis, tweeted…”Seriously people- MASKS are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus.” – + vax is bad —–LYNN is right – u don’t seperate ideas like – just run 1 long paragraph together +we don’t know when next idea begins

    3. why are you so vague on lots of things ? – “pushing forever” ? – is that what 25-30 years is ?  – 1st of all mask don’t do any good to block virus -Dr Fraud Fauci admits that – – + the U.S. Surgeon General, at beginning of COVID crisis, tweeted…”Seriously people- MASKS are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus.” – + vax is bad —— u don’t seperate ideas like – just run 1 long paragraph together +we don’t know when next idea begins

        1. Id got inna hurry typeing it out + kind of abreviated ideas + Id posted it agin coz thot it didn’t record so u can delete 2nd duplicate
          Thanks Rima + lines are breaking frame – is ther a way to squeeze em closer so all words can be seen ?

  3. No rational person would take a an experimental vaccine when there is a safe effective therapy for covid 19,
    Health impacts in communities of color have been disproportionate in the covid-19 ERA, The most overlooked factor has been the differential absorption of Vitanin D. One of the best and readily available source of Vitamin D is absorption from sunlight. Due to a decreased ability to absorb vitamin D, most people of color tend to be deficient in vitamin D. This level of vitamin D can easily be determined from a simple blood test for D Hydroxy vitamin D. Most of the Alternatve Medical doctors recommend a level of
    50 ng/ml to 90 ng/ml.
    This has been a very important factor in the high covid susceptibility. A study published in the Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Bioloy, October 2920 “Effect of calcifediol yteatment and best available therapy versus best available therapy on intensive care unit admission and motality among patients hospitalizedfor covid 19: a pilot study” clearly showed that very high doses of calcifediol, an analog of Vitamin D that is quickly absorbed decreased ICU admission from 50% to 2% and motality from 4% to 0%. 6
    text of study is below

    1. You should familiarize yourself with Dr. Weston A. Price’s research, he found that the best sources of vitamin’s A and D (they work together) are fermented cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil, not just sunlight. To get the best amount of sunlight you’d have to be on the equator in the middle of summer. Also, you need to have the presence of cholesterol in your body. Vitamin D isn’t a ‘vitamin’, its actually a hormone. Also the MSM is not talking about the fact that exposure to toxic roundup which is sprayed on grains and sugar cane can make the body very susceptible to the ‘virus’, not to mention 4 and 5 G exposure, which the cities are being inundated with thanks to Verizon et al and their push to radiate us all.

      1. What makes you think that I am not very familiar with the Weston A Price Foundation and Price’s research? I know and use that information all the time. Thanks for letting people know about that excellent resource.
        Dr. Rima

  4. Instructions for Health Freedom Advocates: Download and print out the following Draft Right of Informed Consent Letter. Make a separate copy or each person who is refusing the experimental vaccine. Where is the download for the letter and what do you do with it after it’s filled out? Your instructions are not complete.
    From Dr. Rima: The information on not giving Informed Consent is designed to be copied, downloaded and printed, as indicated. The letters to Biden and Trump is not designed for sending directly to the would-be Presidents themselves although we urge you to share it as widely as possible.

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