Oil Industry Has Known At Least Since The 1960s That Climate Change Was A Serious Threat

Oil Industry Has Known At Least Since The 1960s That Climate Change Was A Serious Threat
Cover-Up: Oil Industry Docs Suppressed, Climate Change Problems Known Since 1960s A lot of things have happened to the US since 1968. We put a man on the moon, the Beatles broke up, we ended the Cold War, and we invaded Iraq. Twice. Oh yeah, and we were the biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions that raised the Earth’s temperature by a few critical degrees, hastening the dissolution of the icecaps, changing the weather patterns, and raising sea levels.… Read the rest

Not Satisfied Yet! Oncology Group Calls For Even More HPV Vaccinations

Not Satisfied Yet! Oncology Group Calls For Even More HPV Vaccinations
The Indoctrination Has Just Begun: Oncology Group Calls For More HPV Vaccination Push Vaxx Freedom Action Item, USA: http://tinyurl.com/VaccinationISViolation There’s nothing like having a captive market. When you control a commodity that everyone needs–or better yet, one that everyone is forced to buy–you are sitting in the catbird seat, as they say. That’s why monopolies were outlawed: cartels like Standard Oil and their partners controlled the entire market and could thus dictate prices and conditions to the world.… Read the rest

Buy Organic: Here Are Ten Foods You Should Never Skimp On

Buy Organic: Here Are Ten Foods You Should Never Skimp On
Avoiding Pesticides and Herbicides: Ten Foods You Absolutely Must Buy Organic By now we have all heard about Monsanto and its anti-environmental, genetically-modified crops. And as horrible as Frankenfood is, what’s possibly even more dangerous about the agri-chem company is the wild overuse of its signature herbicideRoundup. The main ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate, which the World Health Organization has listed as probably cancer-causing.… Read the rest

New study shows that ADHD diagnoses are exaggerated

New study shows that ADHD diagnoses are exaggerated
Children should be seen, not heard. It’s an old saying, but it speaks volumes about western attitudes toward children. They are often seen as noisy, annoying, impetuous creatures, somehow alien to ourselves and our own experience, despite the fact that we all indisputably were once kids ourselves. It’s also these attitudes that undoubtedly have helped lead to what some are saying is the massive over-diagnosis of ADHD, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.… Read the rest

A new study shows an increased cancer risk for talcum powder users

A new study shows an increased cancer risk for talcum powder users
A new study shows that there is strong evidence that women who use talcum powder are at an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Published on the heels of a $72 million lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson over a woman’s death due to ovarian cancer after using their baby powder for years, the landmark study shines a light on what many in the medical community have been saying for years.… Read the rest

Bill that would outlaw labeling of GMO products to reach Senate floor this week

Bill that would outlaw labeling of GMO products to reach Senate floor this week
If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it.” –Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994 In this day and age, we are so very fond of our apocalypse tales. From zombies to meteors to tidal waves to alien invasions–it’s almost as if we can’t wait for the end of the world to arrive.… Read the rest

Study accidentally shows the increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to statin use

Study accidentally shows the increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to statin use
  A recent Swedish study seems to show that the use of statins, found in commonly prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs like Lipitor, can actually increase the chances of a person suffering cardiovascular disease or even a cardiovascular event. The study, conducted at The Institute of Environmental Medicine in Stockholm, Sweden was looking at a possible relationship between the levels of PCSK9, An enzyme found in the blood, and cardiovascular disease in older individuals.… Read the rest

Bright street lights can affect sleep

Bright street lights can affect sleep
A new study seems to indicate that people with higher exposure to bright street lights in their neighborhoods have a harder time falling asleep and staying asleep than people in less brightly lit areas. Of course, anecdotally most everyone probably suspected that something like this might be the case. Excess light has long been suspected of interfering with sleep, as anyone who has ever worked the third shift can tell you.… Read the rest

France joins other EU countries in planning to vote against glyphosate re-approval

France joins other EU countries in planning to vote against glyphosate re-approval
France and a growing chorus of other EU countries are preparing to just say no to Monsanto and its toxic herbicide Roundup in a way that could make a real dent in the agrichem corporation’s bottom line. A recent vote set to determine whether the EU would re-approve the use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, on crops throughout the union has been postponed.… Read the rest

SAFE food act passes out of Senate Committee, stark hypocrisy on display

SAFE food act passes out of Senate Committee, stark hypocrisy on display
Not a day goes by without some politician or another doing something utterly hypocritical. It is increasingly apparent that anyone who goes into politics isn’t actually a human, but rather a person-shaped alien who is lacking the gene marker for what we earthlings call “shame.” But with the passage of the SAFE Act–the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act–through the Senate Agriculture committee, Americans are one step closer to not being able to know what GMOs are in our food.… Read the rest