Our Correspondent in Tokyo, Murata-san
Updates Us on Continuing Fukushima Developments
Updates Us on Continuing Fukushima Developments

Dear Friends,
Japan is being shaken by the recently disclosed nuclear money scandal of the Kansai Electric Company.
Emerging Nuclear Scandal Shaking Japan as Atomic Olympics Approaches
As to the Tokyo Olympic Games, I have received the following information.
[1] “SF Speak Out At Japan Consulate: Stop Olympics in Fukushima- Defend Fukushima Families
10/11/19 SF Speak Out At Japan Consulate: Stop Olympics in Fukshima & Japan- Defend Fukushima Families & Children Stop PM Abe’s Big LIE and Fraud On The People Of The World That Fukushima is SAFE!
Friday October 11, 2019 3:00 PM
San Francisco Japanese Consulate
275 Battery St near California St.
Friday October 11, 2019 3:00 PM
San Francisco Japanese Consulate
275 Battery St near California St.
San Francisco – Join No Nukes Action NNA on its 85th action at the San Francisco Japanese Consulate to stop the Abe Japanese government’s restart of Japan’s nuclear plants.
[2] In addition to the action vis-a-vis the Japanese Government, there is a move to approach the International Olympic Committee.
Mr.Yves Lenoir, President of Chernobyl Children, Belarus, informed me of a move to approach the IOC on November 6, in Lausanne, to protest against organizing the Tokyo Olympic Games.
(“Nous allons organiser la journee du mercredi 6 nov une rencontre avec la CIO (10-11h), une manifestation, un rassemblement avec un point de presse (vers 15-17h) a Lausanne pour protester l’organisation des JO radioactifs de Tokyo en 2020 a partir du 24 juillet.”)
[Prompt-Online Translation: “We are going to organize the journee of Wednesday, Nov 6th a meeting with CIO (10-11h), a demonstration, a gathering with a point of press (towards 15-17h) has Lausanne to protest the organization of JO radioactive of Tokyo in 2020 has leave of July 24th.”]
Under such circumstances, I feel encouraged to hope for a change of the tide.
With warmest and highest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland