A Million Tons of Radioactive Water

A Million Tons of Radioactive Water
Our correspondent in Japan, Hon. Mitsuhei Murata sends us this urgent message from Fukushima. We are reminded that the only moral option for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is, as Murata-san has stated, “Honorable retreat and concentration on dealing with the continuing radiation crisis.” —————————— Dear Friends, The news about accumulated contaminated water at F1 surpassing nearly one million tons, including tritium and other numerous newly revealed radio-active elements like strontium and plutonium is shocking.… Read the rest

Three Former Japanese Prime Ministers and Fukushima: A Move Toward a Maternal Civilization

Three Former Japanese Prime Ministers and Fukushima: A Move Toward a Maternal Civilization
Our correspondent in Japan, former Ambassador Mitsuhei Murata, the Conscience of Fukushima reminds us not to forget the disaster: A Move Toward a Maternal Civilization It is essential not to forget the crucial fact that the state of emergency promulgated after the Fukushima accident still persists and will not be annulled hereafter for more than 100 years according to reliable experts.… Read the rest

Warning from Japan: Fukushima Risk Continues

Warning from Japan: Fukushima Risk Continues
URGENT WARNING FROM MURATA-SAN THE CONSCIENCE OF FUKUSHIMA We have received the following urgent Report from former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland, M. Murata. Murata-san keeps the readers of Open Source Truth up-to-date on the Fukushima developments not covered by the “main stream media.” 08 February 2018 — I am sending you a message sent to me from Mr.Mycle Shneider, who is quoted in the article of The Independent, shown in the attached site, as warning against the serious deterioration of the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi.… Read the rest

Fukushima 5 Years After: Free Ebook Now Available

Fukushima 5 Years After: Free Ebook Now Available
Given that conventional nuclear engineering has nothing to offer the clean-up of what is arguably the most devastating nuclear accident in the history of the planet, unconventional solutions that work are essential. Following a chilling discussion of the real risk levels posed by Fukushima by world-renowned radiation risk expert Dr. Chris Busby, scientists focused on how to deal with the situation as it is and the answers may well astonish you.

Why Wasn’t Tokyo Evacuated After Fukushima Meltdown?

Why Wasn’t Tokyo Evacuated After Fukushima Meltdown?
PM Considered Evacuating Tokyo Naoto Kan at Telegraph Interview FUKUSHIMA FIFTH ANNIVERSARY MARATHON PODCAST Scientists, Researchers, Advocates Discussing Solutions March 9, 2016 – 4 to 8 PM Eastern www.HealthFreedomPortal.org  In a report [1] circulating the Internet, former Prime Minister of Japan Naoto Kan admits that he seriously considered evacuating Tokyo during the days after the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami and explosions that destroyed several nuclear reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.… Read the rest

Mark Your Calendar: March 9, 4-8 PM EST: Fukushima 5 Year Commemoration

Mark Your Calendar: March 9, 4-8 PM EST: Fukushima 5 Year Commemoration
Fukushima Fifth Anniversary Commemoration  “I’m looking forward to hearing from people like M. Murata, former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, known as “The Conscience of Fukushima” along with a powerful lineup of people with plans – and capacity – to remediate Fukushima and ameliorate the vast and accelerating harm emanating from this horrifying tragedy.” Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)… Read the rest