High school punishes seniors not vaccinated against COVID-19 by banning them from attending graduation ceremony

High school punishes seniors not vaccinated against COVID-19 by banning them from attending graduation ceremony
CHRIS ENLOE | June 02, 2022 Granada Hills Charter High School is holding its graduation ceremony on Thursday. Unfortunately for 70 students in the graduating class of about 1,100 seniors, they will not walk with their classmates because they are not vaccinated against COVID-19. Last fall, Granada Hills Charter announced a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for students and staff, following the lead of the Los Angeles Unified School District.… Read the rest

Here We Go: California County Reinstates Indoor Mask Mandate Due to ‘Rising Covid Cases’

Here We Go: California County Reinstates Indoor Mask Mandate Due to ‘Rising Covid Cases’
  California – Alameda County reinstated its indoor mask mandate starting Friday. “Rising COVID cases in Alameda County are now leading to more people being hospitalized and today’s action reflects the seriousness of the moment,” Alameda County Health Officer Dr. Nicholas Moss said in a statement. “We cannot ignore the data, and we can’t predict when this wave may end. Putting our masks back on gives us the best opportunity to limit the impact of a prolonged wave on our communities.”… Read the rest

California Dreaming… Plague!

California Dreaming… Plague!
California Dream Turns into Public Health Nightmare Typhus, Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Plague – Is Your Town Next? More than 1000 Studies Show THIS Nano Silver Works! Safe, Gentle, Effective, Tested (Unlike Vaccines!) https://www.nsfmarketplace.com/product-category/nano-silver-10-ppm/ Cliché: Trends start in California and then spread to the rest of the country. Let’s hope those trends do not include entirely preventable communicable diseases like the public health nightmares now making their terrifying appearance in Los Angeles.… Read the rest

The U.S. Is Waking Up From Its Anti-Marijuana Nightmare: Nine States Leading The Way To Normalization

The U.S. Is Waking Up From Its Anti-Marijuana Nightmare: Nine States Leading The Way To Normalization
There Are Nine States With Marijuana Reform Laws On Their November Ballots–Here’s Who Is Trying To Change We finally seem to be waking up from our long national nightmare. Of course we’re talking here about U.S. drug policy, a ridiculous, reactionary hodgepodge resulting from decades of fear-mongering, the stoking of racial prejudices and pseudo-science posturing as reality. With 25 states on the books with laws permitting medical marijuana use, and two states–so far–allowing recreational use, it seems like the Drug Enforcement Agency really is behind the times.… Read the rest

As School Year Set To Begin, Utah And Other States Finding Vaccine Refusal Rates Climbing, Cite Education As Key Motivating Factor

As School Year Set To Begin, Utah And Other States Finding Vaccine Refusal Rates Climbing, Cite Education As Key Motivating Factor
Education Is The Key: Utah And Other States Find Vaccine Refusal Rates Climbing; Both Sides Cite Education As the new school year is upon us, more and more stories are coming out about vaccinations and the kids whose parents refuse to get them vaccinated prior to starting class. Many parents cite reasons ranging from religious objections, to health objections–for instance if a child has an allergy that could be triggered by a vaccine–and also personal objections.… Read the rest

Your Government At Work: How The DEA Targets Travelers For Civil Forfeiture Using Data Mining Techniques

Your Government At Work: How The DEA Targets Travelers For Civil Forfeiture Using Data Mining Techniques
DEA Data Mining And Civil Forfeiture: Agency Uses Travel Data To Harass And Rob Americans Who Have Done No Wrong If you are traveling in the U.S.–whether you’re a citizen or not–there is a phrase you should familiarize yourself with: civil asset forfeiture. This is the means by which government agencies from local police departments on up to the Drug Enforcement Agency legally rob people of their assets–even if they aren’t being charged with a crime.… Read the rest

Who Owns The Rain: Lawsuit In California Over PCB Cleanup May Hinge On Monsanto’s Innovative Defense

Who Owns The Rain: Lawsuit In California Over PCB Cleanup May Hinge On Monsanto’s Innovative Defense
Here Comes The Rain Again: Monsanto Introduces Novel New Defense In Its Fight Against Cleaning Up PCBs in California No matter what you think about Monsanto, you have to admit they hire some clever people. We’re already aware of their clever chemists, who gave us such lasting gifts as Agent Orange, glyphosate, and saccharin. But now we are getting a unique opportunity to witness the awesome power of the company’s legal minds at work.… Read the rest

California Lawmakers And Their Pretzel Logic: Do Vaccines Protect People Or Not? Dr. K.P. Stoller weighs in on convoluted thinking in cali

California Lawmakers And Their Pretzel Logic: Do Vaccines Protect People Or Not? Dr. K.P. Stoller weighs in on convoluted thinking in cali
Confused in California: Dr. K.P. Stoller Weighs In On California State Vaccine Regulation Pretzel Logic There is a war going on in California right now, and if you didn’t already know about it, that may be because–like most of our modern, far-off wars–we like to think that unless it is right in our faces we have no stake in it. Nothing could be further from the truth.… Read the rest

From Prison To Pot: How One California Town Is Taking An Abandoned Prison And Turning It Into A Marijuana Processing Facility

From Prison To Pot: How One California Town Is Taking An Abandoned Prison And Turning It Into A Marijuana Processing Facility
Prison To Pot: California Town Votes To Turn Unused Prison Facility Into A Marijuana Oil Extraction Facility In judo, practitioners are taught to use the weight and momentum of their opponents to their own advantage. Rather than push back against the force of the opponent, you redirect it in such a way that it assists your own cause. The town of Coalinga, California has come up with a unique plan that smacks of judo, one in which the town will be able to overcome a multi-million dollar deficit in one fell swoop while simultaneously putting a former prison facility to good use.… Read the rest

DEA Raids Legal Marijuana Dispensary And Seizes Medicinal Cannabis Oil, Raising More Questions About Legal Gray Area

DEA Raids Legal Marijuana Dispensary And Seizes Medicinal Cannabis Oil, Raising More Questions About Legal Gray Area
DEA Levels Felony Drug Manufacture Charges Against A Legal Cannabis Oil Maker–Raises Questions About A Legal Gray Area As states like Colorado, Washington and California sort out the growing pains of marijuana legalization there have been numerous conflicts with law enforcement at all levels, clinging as they do to their outdated Just Say No and Zero Tolerance mindset. A few years back it took President Obama himself telling the DEA to back off from its raids on legal pot shops to get them to cut it out–and even then they defied him and kept it up for some time after.… Read the rest