Court rules patient owes $766 on hospital’s $300,000-plus billing

Court rules patient owes $766 on hospital’s $300,000-plus billing
Price for surgery based on secret price list that officials refused to disclose By Bob UnruhPublished May 21, 2022 at 3:53pm Horror stories about surprise billings from medical facilities for various treatments abound. It’s why in 2020 Congress adopted the No Surprises Act which took effect this year banning shock billings for emergency and a few non-emergency medical services. Now one state has a court precedent that involves other procedures too.… Read the rest

The U.S. Is Waking Up From Its Anti-Marijuana Nightmare: Nine States Leading The Way To Normalization

The U.S. Is Waking Up From Its Anti-Marijuana Nightmare: Nine States Leading The Way To Normalization
There Are Nine States With Marijuana Reform Laws On Their November Ballots–Here’s Who Is Trying To Change We finally seem to be waking up from our long national nightmare. Of course we’re talking here about U.S. drug policy, a ridiculous, reactionary hodgepodge resulting from decades of fear-mongering, the stoking of racial prejudices and pseudo-science posturing as reality. With 25 states on the books with laws permitting medical marijuana use, and two states–so far–allowing recreational use, it seems like the Drug Enforcement Agency really is behind the times.… Read the rest

Big Money, No Soda: How Big Sugar Plans To Donate Big Money To Fight The Soda Tax In Boulder, Colorado

Big Money, No Soda: How Big Sugar Plans To Donate Big Money To Fight The Soda Tax In Boulder, Colorado
More Soda Taxes On The Way But Big Soda Isn’t Going Away Quietly: Boulder Colorado Next Battleground There’s a slightly obscene old aphorism that goes something like this: “If you run into an asshole in the morning, then you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day long, then you may in fact be the asshole.” It’s starting to look like something along these lines applies in the case of big soda.… Read the rest

Banning The Ban: Colorado Supreme Court Rules Communities Not Allowed To Enact Local Bans On Fracking

Banning The Ban: Colorado Supreme Court Rules Communities Not Allowed To Enact Local Bans On Fracking
Fracking, Yes, People No: So Says Colorado Supreme Court, Bans The Use Of Local Bans On Fracking If you have ever wondered just how far the legal framework has progressed that favors business interests over those of the people, you need look no further than Longmont, Colorado. The Colorado Supreme Court has struck down a local ban on fracking in the city of Longmont, determining that the corporations’ interest in pulling gas and oil out of the ground supercedes any interest local people might have in breathing clean air, drinking clean water, and not having their tap water ignite in flames as it pours from the faucet.… Read the rest

Colorado Amendment Seeks To Make The State The First Single-Payer State In The US–Draws Ire Of Big Insurance, Hospital Chains

Colorado Amendment Seeks To Make The State The First Single-Payer State In The US–Draws Ire Of Big Insurance, Hospital Chains
Amendment In Colorado Seeks To Make State A Single-Payer Entity–Big Insurance And Hospitals Come Out Guns Blazing In Opposition Remember single-payer insurance? It was a dream many fought for back when Obama was ramping up healthcare reform–and which, not incidentally, Obama promised on the campaign trail but conveniently forgot in the face of big healthcare opposition. Well now the state of Colorado, famous for taking the lead on legalized recreational marijuana in the US, is blazing a new trail, so to speak, on insurance reform, with an amendment that would make them the first state to adopt a single-payer insurance system.… Read the rest