GMO Labeling Sellouts And The Damage They’ve Caused: Organic Trade Association Grows Smaller Following Their Betrayal
The dust has settled somewhat on Congress’ recently passed renewed DARK Act, the anti-anti-GMO labeling bill that was hastily, crudely crafted to overrule any state’s attempt to provide consumers easy access to information on genetically modified foods in their products. However, the fallout continues to take its toll on the Organic Trade Association as yet another manufacturer has quit in protest of the group selling out.… Read the rest
Tag: genetically modified
Bill Gates wants Africa to embrace GMO foods–is that such a good idea?
Biotechnology is the key to helping Africans-or so says Bill Gates
A not-at-all unexpected advocate for GMO foods has come out in favor of exporting the genetically engineered food technology to Africa, saying that it might not only help poorer African nations feed themselves, but even suggesting that they might be able to produce enough food to export.
In a fawning interview with the Wall Street Journal, Gates said, “…GMOs are done by changing the genes of the plant, and it’s done in a way where there’s a very thorough safety procedure, and it’s pretty incredible because it reduces the amount of pesticide you need, raises productivity (and) can help with malnutrition by getting vitamin fortification.”… Read the rest