Forbes retracts attack on paper showing link between glyphosate and cancer

Forbes retracts attack on paper showing link between glyphosate and cancer
22 February 2019 Forbes has pulled an article by Geoffrey Kabat attacking the new meta-analysis confirming a link between glyphosate and a type of cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). The American business magazine, has long been the platform of choice for defending Monsanto’s products and attacking the company’s critics. It was on Forbes that article after article appeared attacking Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini’s study, which found harmful effects from Monsanto’s GMO maize and Roundup herbicide, shortly after its publication in 2012.… Read the rest

“Evolving Consumer Preferences” Force Mega Food Corps to Clean Up – A Bit

“Evolving Consumer Preferences” Force Mega Food Corps to Clean Up – A Bit
“Evolving Consumer Preferences” Force Mega Food Corps to Clean Up – A Bit Rima E. Laibow, MD Bowing to continued consumer demand (aka “the Power of the Purse”) some of the world’s largest food corporations are making significant changes in widely sold foods. Mars, Campbell’s Soup, Kraft and other food giants have altered formulas to eliminate some artificial colors, flavors, food additives and, in s some cases, GMOs.… Read the rest

Alarming: Monsanto and Bayer Combined Would Be Selling Nearly A Third Of The World’s Seeds

Alarming: Monsanto and Bayer Combined Would Be Selling Nearly A Third Of The World’s Seeds
Power Corrupts: Merger Of Monsanto And Bayer Would Mean A Third Of The World’s Seeds Controlled By One Entity If Monsanto worries you, not only in terms of the company’s ability to get away with poisoning the earth from top to bottom, screwing the poorest farmers while squeezing the literal life out of them when the company’s wild promises fail to materialize, but also with the reach of its seemingly unending power to call the shots when it comes to humanity feeding itself, we’ve got some bad news for you.… Read the rest

Monsanto’s Links To The Tools Of War: Forget Roundup–Here Is Where The Company Shows Its True, Deadly Colors

Monsanto’s Links To The Tools Of War: Forget Roundup–Here Is Where The Company Shows Its True, Deadly Colors
Monsanto And White Phosphorus: Company Is So Much Worse Than Roundup And GMOs As the proposed merger of Monsanto with Bayer continues to draw scrutiny, there are some facts we should revisit about Monsanto. It is somewhat fashionable these days to espouse a contrarian view of the agrichemical giant, a view that is no doubt heavily fueled by the company’s army of publicity flacks, both overt and hiding in plain sight in chat rooms and comment boards.… Read the rest

Film ‘Transgenic Wars’ Connects The Dots On The Consequences Of Genetically Engineered Food Around The World

Film ‘Transgenic Wars’ Connects The Dots On The Consequences Of Genetically Engineered Food Around The World
Global Consequences And Connecting The Dots On Gmos: Independent Film ‘Transgenic Wars’ Makes A Huge Impact When we talk about the problems with genetically modified crops and their effects on humans and wildlife, we often end up talking in very abstract terms. There is the honeybee die-off, likely caused by the ubiquity across the U.S. of Monsanto’s glyphosate-laden Roundup. Then there are the numbers, the crop acres that are devoted to growing GMO soy and corn in the U.S.,… Read the rest

Watching Out For ‘Halo Foods:’ What Healthy-Sounding Buzz Words Actually Mean–And That They Don’t

Watching Out For ‘Halo Foods:’ What Healthy-Sounding Buzz Words Actually Mean–And That They Don’t
Food And The ‘Halo’ Effect: Here’s What Those Healthy-Sounding Terms Actually Mean–You Might Be Surprised In the wake of the genetically modified food labeling debacle of a few months ago, perhaps it is time to identify other food labeling terms manufacturers use to create a health “halo effect” and trick consumers into thinking they are eating healthy. Sometimes there is truth in labeling, sometimes it is cruel sham, like the Senate bill that was hastily constructed as a fig leaf for big food manufacturers and agrichem businesses who want to be able to sell the public GMO-containing food that we have repeatedly demonstrated we don’t want.… Read the rest

Closed Circle: Documentary Circle Of Poison Shows How Even Banned Pesticides Come Back To Haunt Us

Closed Circle: Documentary Circle Of Poison Shows How Even Banned Pesticides Come Back To Haunt Us
A Perfect Circle: New Doc Circle Of Poison Paints Alarming Picture Of Pesticides Coming Back To Us Even After They’re Banned “Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posies…” “Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.” You may have heard some variation of this child’s rhyme growing up–heck, your own children may know it. It’s a seemingly innocent chant that is part of a game in which children hold hands and dance in a circle until it’s time for the falling down part, or in some cases a bow or a curtsey.… Read the rest

Letting The Genie Out Of The Bottle: Unauthorized Gmo Wheat Found In Fallow Field In Washington State

Letting The Genie Out Of The Bottle: Unauthorized Gmo Wheat Found In Fallow Field In Washington State
Say Goodbye To Natural Food: GMO Wheat Found Growing In Fallow Field In Washington State Could Be The Beginning Of The End They say you can’t really appreciate something until it’s gone. And the human race may be on the verge of finding out just how true those words really are, when it comes to naturally foods grown in the natural ways they have been for millennia.… Read the rest

Big Pharma Gives Docs Big Bucks To Peddle Their Drugs–You Won’t Believe How Rotten This System Really Is

Big Pharma Gives Docs Big Bucks To Peddle Their Drugs–You Won’t Believe How Rotten This System Really Is
Sickening: Big Pharma’s Big Bribery Scheme Employing Compliant Docs To Peddle Their Poison Will Make You Ill If you’re on a budget like most people these days, and have been prescribed medication by a doctor, you were probably grateful if he or she was able to give a you few starter pills out of the stocks of samples kept in the office drug closet.… Read the rest