Jersey Boys Singing A New Tune: New Jersey Legislator Proposes Radical Rethinking Of Pot Laws

Jersey Boys Singing A New Tune: New Jersey Legislator Proposes Radical Rethinking Of Pot Laws
A New New Jersey: Radical Pot Law Rethink In The Garden State, Includes Expunging Criminal Convictions In case you haven’t noticed–or you work for the Drug Enforcement Agency–the way the United States looks at marijuana is undergoing a sea change. There are currently 25 states where it is legal to buy, use and sell marijuana for medical purposes, and Colorado and Oregon have made it legal to buy, sell and use marijuana for recreational purposes, with California close behind.… Read the rest

As DEA Announces Plans To Put Kratom On Schedule 1, Big Pharma Locks Down Patents On Constituent Ingredients

As DEA Announces Plans To Put Kratom On Schedule 1, Big Pharma Locks Down Patents On Constituent Ingredients
Kratom’s Chemicals For Big Pharma, Yes; Kratom The Plant For Users, No: Welcome To The DEA’s Mad Hatter Logic “All animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” –George Orwell When is a plant not a plant but a drug, and thus illegal? And when are the constituent chemicals that come from that plant not illegal, but rather patented medicine?… Read the rest

Sneaky Drug Companies Tilting The Debate: Anti-Marijuana ‘Experts’ On Big Pharma Payroll

Sneaky Drug Companies Tilting The Debate: Anti-Marijuana ‘Experts’ On Big Pharma Payroll
Protecting The Big Pharma Monopoly: Anti-Marijuana ‘Experts’ Work For Drug Makers If you ever wonder why nothing ever seems to get done, you can just use the old adage and “follow the money.” Nine times out of ten, the things that never seem to change remain that way because it is to the benefit of someone with the deep pockets to make sure it stays that way.… Read the rest

Drug Warriors Run Amok: How An 81-Year-Old Cancer Patient Growing His Own Pot Got Raided By The DEA

Drug Warriors Run Amok: How An 81-Year-Old Cancer Patient Growing His Own Pot Got Raided By The DEA
Reefer Madness In Mass: 81-Year-Old Growing Four Pot Plants Brings Out DEA Helicopters, State Police, And Even The National Guard To get all the benefits of marijuana without the smoke or legal worries, Visit for pure CBC products at great prices! Just when you think the flailing idiocy of the drug warriors who rightly feel their last battle is imminent couldn’t get any stupider, you read a story like this one.… Read the rest