Chronic Fatigue and HPV Vaccinations: One Doctor In Japan Thinks He Has Proof-Positive Of A Link Between The Two

Chronic Fatigue and HPV Vaccinations: One Doctor In Japan Thinks He Has Proof-Positive Of A Link Between The Two
Shocking Proof: Japanese Doctor Presents Proof of HPV Vaccine/Chronic Fatigue Link You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here: The results are in, whether or not Big Pharma and its cheerleaders want to admit it: something is very wrong with the HPV vaccination. We can reach this conclusion not only be honestly examining the shady, shortcut process by which the vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix were pushed through the approval process at the Centers for Disease Control.… Read the rest

Alberta Nixed Vax Mandate 3/15. Anybody See Predicted Measles Epidemic? Oops! Never Happened!

Alberta Nixed Vax Mandate 3/15. Anybody See Predicted Measles Epidemic? Oops! Never Happened!
Alberta’s Health Minister’s 2015 Decision to Reject Vaccine Mandates Appears to Have Cost Provicen Perfectly Good Measles, Mumps, Pertussis, More Outbreaks, Reducing Childhood Asthma, Cancer, Autism, ADD. Big Pharma Not Happy. Did you hear about the horrible measles epidemic killing  children in Alberta, Canada at exactly the same time more thousands of babies are dying of pertussis? No? That’s because there was no epidemic.… Read the rest

Dr. Rima Talks with UK’s Andy Preacher. Listen Now.

Dr. Rima Talks with UK’s Andy Preacher. Listen Now.
Join Dr. Rima and Andy Preacher for an International look at the epidemic of Mandated Vaccines, Medical Kidnappings and loss of Parental Right.  Find out what you can do to stop this dangerous move to globalize ownership of you and your children.–social-services-dr-rima Legally protected vaccine exemptions are your right.  Want to find out more?… Read the rest