Dr. Null on Merck Company Record

Dr. Null on Merck Company Record
Which private corporation has likely been responsible for the deaths of more innocent people than any terrorist organization or military regime change in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and elsewhere? For us, the answer is evident: Merck and Company. Iatraogenic medicine, or medical error, is now the third leading cause of death in the US after cardiovascular disease and cancer. The majority of these deaths are caused by FDA approved drugs' adverse effects and from patients taking multiple medications without thorough clinical research to determine the safety of their synergistic effects. Consequently our health agencies' oversight and monitoring of drugs on the market is dismal.

Japanese Lawsuits Filed Over HPV Vaccine Cases: Merck And Glaxosmithkline Named As Defendants

Japanese Lawsuits Filed Over HPV Vaccine Cases: Merck And Glaxosmithkline Named As Defendants
Women And Girls Sue In Japan Over Bad HPV Vaccine That Sickened Them: Merck And Glaxosmithkline Named As Defendants A group of 63 women and girls in Japan who claim to have been sickened after they received the human papilloma virus have filed suit there, naming the government of Japan as well as vaccine manufacturers Merck and GlaxSMithKline as defendants. The plaintiffs, who range in age from 15 to 22 filed in district courts in Okyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka, seeking compensation of 15 million yen each.… Read the rest

Former CDC Head Cashes Out A Cool $2 Million In Pharma Stock–After Approving Merck’s Gardasil On Her Watch

Former CDC Head Cashes Out A Cool $2 Million In Pharma Stock–After Approving Merck’s Gardasil On Her Watch
And Behind Revolving Door Number One–Former CDC Head Cashes In A Cool $2 Million of Merck Stock After Approving Gardasil You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here: http://TinyURL.com/VaccinationISViolation Some stories just write themselves: Child Celebrity In Trouble With The Law Government Lies Pious Politician/Preacher Caught Cheating On His Wife With Mistress/Male Prostitute/Farm Animal. And then there’s this one: Corrupt Public Official Cashes In On Government Post After Tenure Ends, Taking Lucrative Job In The Private Sector.… Read the rest

Not Satisfied Yet! Oncology Group Calls For Even More HPV Vaccinations

Not Satisfied Yet! Oncology Group Calls For Even More HPV Vaccinations
The Indoctrination Has Just Begun: Oncology Group Calls For More HPV Vaccination Push Vaxx Freedom Action Item, USA: http://tinyurl.com/VaccinationISViolation There’s nothing like having a captive market. When you control a commodity that everyone needs–or better yet, one that everyone is forced to buy–you are sitting in the catbird seat, as they say. That’s why monopolies were outlawed: cartels like Standard Oil and their partners controlled the entire market and could thus dictate prices and conditions to the world.… Read the rest

Twelve-year-old girl suddenly dies after receiving Gardasil HPV vaccine

Twelve-year-old girl suddenly dies after receiving Gardasil HPV vaccine
You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here: http://TinyURL.com/VaccinationISViolation A Wisconsin family’s tragic loss of their 12-year-old daughter after receiving the Gardasil HPV vaccine has ramped up the questions people are asking about the efficacy and safety of the shots. Meredith Prohaska, appearing in a family photo as a mop-topped, blond, barefoot kid happily climbing on some rocks, was taken from her family hours after being given the vaccine.… Read the rest

Merck Not Happy With The Billions It Makes Off HPV Vaxx Already: Enlists Oncology Group For More Market Penetration

Merck Not Happy With The Billions It Makes Off HPV Vaxx Already: Enlists Oncology Group For More Market Penetration
The ASCO also called for promoting or even bundling the HPV vaccine with other adolescent vaccines and asked that doctors provide favorable recommendations of HPV vaccines. All this news comes in the week that Julie Gerberding, the former head of the CDC from 2002-2009 when Gardasil was going through its hasty and demonstrably sloppy approval process, just cashed in half of her Merck stock to the tune of $2 million. She is now executive vice president of the company.

CDC Statistics: Measles Vaccine MUCH More Deadly Than Measles

CDC Statistics: Measles Vaccine MUCH More Deadly Than Measles
Official CDC data and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) show that nobody has died from measles in the US in over 10 years, whereas there have been at least 108 deaths reported to VAERS during the same period linked to measles vaccines. It is generally acknowledged by public health experts that VAERS reports represent between 1-10% of all cases so we are talking about anywhere from 1080 to 10800 measles vaccine deaths in the US per year against 0 measles deaths!

The HPV Vaccine Push

The HPV Vaccine Push
HPV Vax Unsafe and Unnecessary In a report[1] circulating the Internet the Human Papillomavirus vaccine has been accused of being unsafe. The report suggests, “HPV… is a sexually transmitted infection that can be caused by over 100 different viral strains. Very few strains actually contribute to cancer or cause genital warts and almost all of them clear up on their own.… Read the rest