In The Age Of Peak PR, Pepsi And Coca-Cola Sponsor An Absurd Number Of ‘Health’ Organizations

In The Age Of Peak PR, Pepsi And Coca-Cola Sponsor An Absurd Number Of ‘Health’ Organizations
Muddying The (Sugar) Water: Coke And Pepsi Sponsored Nearly 100 ‘Health’ Organizations We had the Pleistocene Age, the Jurassic Age, and now what some are calling the Anthropocene Age, the one that has been marked most distinctly by humans altering the planet. But we may be entering a new era right now, even as we speak–that is if big multinational food and beverage companies have anything to say about it.… Read the rest

Bizarre Statements On Obesity From Nestlé’s Head Of Nutrition: Asians Should Fight Obesity ‘Individually’

Bizarre Statements On Obesity From Nestlé’s Head Of Nutrition: Asians Should Fight Obesity ‘Individually’
Weight Management Advice From Nestlé’s Head Of Nutrition For Asia’s Expanding Obese Population: Do It Yourself With so many microphones and cameras constantly around everywhere we go–not to mention websites and apps hungry for new content 24/7–it’s hard to overestimate just how easy it is to misspeak, especially for high-profile people. That’s why so many successful politicians have such a gift for talking a lot, but about nothing: you’ve got to feed the beast, the news machine must have content; and you can appear to deliver it if you simply talk in circles and never actually say anything.… Read the rest

Whose Side Is the CDC Really On: How The Agency Is Talking Out Of Both Sides Of Its Face On Soft Drinks

Whose Side Is the CDC Really On: How The Agency Is Talking Out Of Both Sides Of Its Face On Soft Drinks
The Sketchy CDC: How The Agency Is Playing Both Sides Of The Fence On Sugary Soft Drinks The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sure seems like it is in disarray these days. There’s the Zika panic, of course, which has launched a series of herky-jerky mandates from the agency, including a door-to-door urine sampling unit that cruised the neighborhood where the Zika-infected mosquitoes were thought to be found, to the travel ban issued for pregnant women going to Miami, to the heavy spraying of naled and other dangerous chemicals in neighborhoods where Zika-carrying mosquitoes are suspected to reside.… Read the rest

Profit Over People, As Usual: How Captive Regulatory Agencies Are Allowing A Slow-Motion Epidemic Of Obesity To Threaten The Health Of Billions

Profit Over People, As Usual: How Captive Regulatory Agencies Are Allowing A Slow-Motion Epidemic Of Obesity To Threaten The Health Of Billions
Millions Of People Versus Billions Of Dollars: Who Will Win? According To Regulators The Sugar-Coated Answer Is Simple If you are a regular reader of these pages, you have seen the same stories we have been fascinated with: study after study pointing the way to healthier, happier human species. Studies showing us just how devastating added sugars and high-fructose corn syrup are, how threatening refined foods are to obesity rates, normal development, and a healthy endocrine system.… Read the rest

Ten Days Is All It Takes: Cutting Sugar In Kids’ Diets Can Have Dramatic, Rapid Results In Health Outcomes

Ten Days Is All It Takes: Cutting Sugar In Kids’ Diets Can Have Dramatic, Rapid Results In Health Outcomes
Try It For Ten Days: Health Can Dramatically Improve In Kids By Cutting Sugar–And Results Are Almost Immediate. Even for adults it is sometimes difficult to sell ourselves on the benefits of improving our diets and exercise programs, simply because it takes so long to see tangible results. So it’s easy to see why it can be difficult to get kids to switch to healthier diets and exercise programs–what with their telescoped sense of time in which each hour is a day and each day is a week, time spent when kids can’t have what they want can be excruciating for them and their parents alike.… Read the rest

Obesity, Heart Disease Largely Driven By Sugar–Industry And Government Don’t Want Us To Know That

Obesity, Heart Disease Largely Driven By Sugar–Industry And Government Don’t Want Us To Know That
Sugar Is The Enemy, Not Fat, But You Would Never Know It If You Listened To The FDA It has long been known that sugar, not fat was the prime culprit in driving obesity. Why then has it been ignored for so long? For those of us old enough to remember the original food pyramid, the one with a cautious note on fats and oils at the very top, “Use sparingly,” with a massive base of breads, cereals and grains advising 6-11 servings a day(!),… Read the rest

New Study Links Even Small Amounts of Aspartame to Leukemia, lymphoma

New Study Links Even Small Amounts of Aspartame to Leukemia, lymphoma
Also, this recent study mirrors and confirms the result of a 2006 study on over 900 rats over the course of their lifetime, in which researchers found that aspartame intake showed an increased risk for leukemia and lymphoma, only in both females and males. Perhaps the next avenue of study will pursue findings of a previous study which showed that female rats given teh artificial sweeteners had increased risk of mammary cancer.