Fukushima 5 Years After: Free Ebook Now Available

Fukushima 5 Years After: Free Ebook Now Available
Given that conventional nuclear engineering has nothing to offer the clean-up of what is arguably the most devastating nuclear accident in the history of the planet, unconventional solutions that work are essential. Following a chilling discussion of the real risk levels posed by Fukushima by world-renowned radiation risk expert Dr. Chris Busby, scientists focused on how to deal with the situation as it is and the answers may well astonish you.

Mark Your Calendar: March 9, 4-8 PM EST: Fukushima 5 Year Commemoration

Mark Your Calendar: March 9, 4-8 PM EST: Fukushima 5 Year Commemoration
Fukushima Fifth Anniversary Commemoration  “I’m looking forward to hearing from people like M. Murata, former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, known as “The Conscience of Fukushima” along with a powerful lineup of people with plans – and capacity – to remediate Fukushima and ameliorate the vast and accelerating harm emanating from this horrifying tragedy.” Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)… Read the rest