Monsanto states on its website: “There is no need for, or value in testing the safety of GM foods in humans.” No value, indeed, if you are a giant multi-billion dollar conglomerate bent on taking over the world’s food supply so you can profit from it. But in reality the SAFE Act is not even about the well-known dangers of eating GMO foods, nor the dangers of allowing the biotech companies to continue to run roughshod across the entire planet, spreading their poison and lies. No. This bill answers a simple question: do we have a right to know what we are putting into our bodies? Fourteen senators answered in the negative.

Cornell University Accused of Accepting GMO-tainted Funding to Fromote a Pro-GMO Stance

Cornell University Accused of Accepting GMO-tainted Funding to Fromote a Pro-GMO Stance
Why is CAS even pretending to any kind of academic neutrality, or scientific objectivity? The goals are clear: continue flogging the misleading and misguided science pumped out by the pro-GMO corporations, using their cash to indoctrinate a new generation of true believers, who will continue to send us down the road to a poisoned, unlivable planet incapable of sustaining natural life as it has done for countless millennia.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Sudden Death Costs Dow Chemical Nearly $1 Billion US

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Sudden Death Costs Dow Chemical Nearly $1 Billion US
Dow had planned to appeal the case to the Supreme Court, confident that the high court’s consistent 5-4 split (with Scalia’s considerable weight favoring business and other conservative causes regardless of the precedent or even logic involved) would play out in their favor. Upon news of the famously hard line conservative judge’s death, however, Dow quickly did an about face and decided to accept a slightly lower settlement of $835 million and be done with it, rather than take their chances with a tie in the Supreme Court, which would by default uphold the lower court’s ruling.

Idaho: SB 1294 Lowers age of children who can get vaccinated by pharmacists

Idaho: SB 1294 Lowers age of children who can get vaccinated by pharmacists
Clearly the State believes it owns your children and is doing everything it can to subvert parental rights. Equally clearly, you can push back by pounding legislators and other decision makers with a hail of emails refusing to allow these violations. Our human rights & health freedoms are being destroyed. Our control of our children's bodies and our own are being ripped from our hands unless we stop this insanity now.

Dick Cheney Corrupted “Independent” Report of CIA Torture, Murder, MKUltra 1997

Dick Cheney Corrupted “Independent” Report of CIA Torture, Murder, MKUltra 1997
Rockefeller Commission documents show then-White House aide Richard Cheney heavily edited the commission’s report over objections of commission members. Dick Cheney has not engendered much admiration during his time in public life.snarling, bile-spewing politico, aka America’s Undertaker, aka Vice-President Big-Time (the name given him by George W. Bush) aka Darth Cheney (a nickname the former vice president is said to enjoy) has long been known as a secretive, ruthless peratchnik who would make Machiavelli blush at the brazenness of his machinations.… Read the rest

OIiver Nails Big Pharma Greed, But Why Are We Still Giving Them The Money?

OIiver Nails Big Pharma Greed, But Why Are We Still Giving Them The Money?
John Oliver Gets It Right: Big Pharma is Ruthless and Dangerous: But Why are WE Making Them Rich? As he often does, John Oliver nailed Big Pharma’s illogic and greed in a hilarious/horrifying look at the deceit and mean-spirited-ness of an industry we persist in seeing as benign and public spirited because we are willing to be gulled by advertising and trust the pharmaceutical shill class: physicians.… Read the rest

If Sirhan Sirhan’s Gun Held 8 Bullets, Why Were There 13 Shots When RFK Was Killed?

If Sirhan Sirhan’s Gun Held 8 Bullets, Why Were There 13 Shots When RFK Was Killed?
Sirhan Sirhan killed RFK 48 years ago.  Everybody knows it.  Sirhan cannot recall that night but it is clear that he was standing in the crowd in front of Kennedy.  His gun, holding 8 bullets, fired and Bobby Kennedy died. From a bullet fired 1 inch from the back of his head. A total of 5 additional bullets, including the one that actually killed Bobby Kennedy were found, several of them in the pantry wall and door frame where the Kennedy party entered the event.… Read the rest