Dr. Rima Truth Reports with special guest Maria Zeee

Dr. Rima Truth Reports with special guest Maria Zeee
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The Transgender Face Of Biden’s Woke Administration Is Pushing For The Surgical And Chemical Castration Of Children

The Transgender Face Of Biden’s Woke Administration Is Pushing For The Surgical And Chemical Castration Of Children
By Michael Robison | June 22, 2022 In May, Assistant Secretary for Health, Dr. Rachel Levine, claimed there is no debate among healthcare providers about whether children should be provided with “gender-affirming” care when struggling with the feelings of confused gender identity.  The “gender-affirming” care Levine refers to includes varying degrees of chemical or surgical sex changes. This could consist of “top” surgery to remove breasts or construct new breasts.… Read the rest

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Blood Pressure

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Blood Pressure
An omega-3 fatty acid daily intake of approximately 3 grams, either in the form of supplements or food, may reduce blood pressure, a new meta-analysis suggests. The findings showed a substantial reduction in diastolic and systolic blood pressure when individuals consumed a moderate amount of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) plus docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) combined, in doses of 2 to 3 grams per day.… Read the rest

Congresswoman Slams Pharma Exec

Congresswoman Slams Pharma Exec
Love her or hate her, New York freshman Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (known as) “AOC” nailed this one, grilling Gideon Pharma’s CEO on why a drug costs $8 per month in Australia (generic version)  but nearly $2000 per month in the US, where it is patented.   Adding salt to that wallet-wound, the drug development and patents were funded with tax dollars so the paying public is being abused when they purchase this drug! … Read the rest

Aging Skin May Be Worse For City Dwellers: Emerging Research Shows That Air Pollution May Be A Much Bigger Cause Than Previously Thought

Aging Skin May Be Worse For City Dwellers: Emerging Research Shows That Air Pollution May Be A Much Bigger Cause Than Previously Thought
Air Pollution: It’s Not Just For The Lungs Anymore–New Research Shows That It May Be A Leading Cause Of Premature Aging Of The Skin When we think of massive megacities like Beijing, Mexico City and Rio De Janiero and the problems they face due to their size, most of us probably think of our lungs. The mind likely goes to images of traffic at a standstill, bemasked people enshrouded in a cottony fog that has nothing to do with natural weather patterns as they rush through the street trying to get to the fresher air of the indoors.… Read the rest

When Good Breakfasts Go Bad: Some Of The Worst Breakfast Foods You Should Avoid At All Costs

When Good Breakfasts Go Bad: Some Of The Worst Breakfast Foods You Should Avoid At All Costs
Good Breakfast/Bad Breakfast: 4 Foods You Should Avoid In The Morning As we work more and more hours for less and less pay, usually the first casualty in terms of our health is our sleep. The second is often our diet. Making sure you get healthy, fresh food to eat costs money, and it takes time, two commodities that are exceedingly rare in this modern age of overwork and wage cuts.… Read the rest

Colorado Amendment Seeks To Make The State The First Single-Payer State In The US–Draws Ire Of Big Insurance, Hospital Chains

Colorado Amendment Seeks To Make The State The First Single-Payer State In The US–Draws Ire Of Big Insurance, Hospital Chains
Amendment In Colorado Seeks To Make State A Single-Payer Entity–Big Insurance And Hospitals Come Out Guns Blazing In Opposition Remember single-payer insurance? It was a dream many fought for back when Obama was ramping up healthcare reform–and which, not incidentally, Obama promised on the campaign trail but conveniently forgot in the face of big healthcare opposition. Well now the state of Colorado, famous for taking the lead on legalized recreational marijuana in the US, is blazing a new trail, so to speak, on insurance reform, with an amendment that would make them the first state to adopt a single-payer insurance system.… Read the rest

Fungicides May Cause Damage To Brain, Mimic Effects Of Autism, Neurodegenerative Disorder

Fungicides May Cause Damage To Brain, Mimic Effects Of Autism, Neurodegenerative Disorder
This Is Your Brain On Fungicides: How An Increasingly Common Crop Treatment May Be Damaging Us Worse Than We Thought. Its getting harder and harder to keep up with all the chemicals that are sprayed on our food sources. Monsanto’s glyphosate-based Roundup herbicide has been in the news lately as scientists learn more and more about the damage it can do to humans and the ecosystem as a whole.… Read the rest

You Know What They Say About Doctors And Apples–Turns Out They Were Onto Something

You Know What They Say About Doctors And Apples–Turns Out They Were Onto Something
An Apple A Day–How Humble Fruit May Aid In Heart Health Even More Than We Thought We all remember that nagging rhyme from when we were young and desperate for candy: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away…” Yes, I can practically hear my 10-year-old self saying, but what about chocolate? Does that keep anything away? Well, it turns out your mother was right about this one.… Read the rest