Shocking New Testimony From Former U.S. Military Servicemembers: The Government Tried To Test an ANTHRAX Vaccine On Them!

Shocking New Testimony From Former U.S. Military Servicemembers: The Government Tried To Test an ANTHRAX Vaccine On Them!
From the ‘What Were They Thinking’ File: Shocking New Testimony Reveals U.S. Government Tried To Test an ANTHRAX VACCINE on Military Servicemembers The reports of government malfeasance regarding the vaccine wars never seem to stop. From the revelations of the film “Vaxxed” to the CDC’s own constant dribble of misinformation that is constantly being proven false, there is no shortage of shocking, disturbing news surrounding vaccines.… Read the rest

What You Don’t Know Can’t Hurt You: Huffpost Axes Vaxxed Review Without Explanation, Blocks Author’s Access

What You Don’t Know Can’t Hurt You: Huffpost Axes Vaxxed Review Without Explanation, Blocks Author’s Access
Veteran Columnist Has His Huffington Post Review Of “Vaxxed” Pulled, Account Access Blocked You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here: It seems like no matter how badly the powers-that-be wish it would just go away, “Vaxxed” keeps popping up in the news. The latest controversy swirling around the groundbreaking film that exposes the lies of the state-supported vaccine industry has to do with a review written by a long-time Huffington Post contributor that was summarily pulled without explanation.… Read the rest

More Machinations Around “Vaxxed” In The Wake Of Bring Pulled From Deniro’s Film Fest

More Machinations Around “Vaxxed” In The Wake Of Bring Pulled From Deniro’s Film Fest
“Vaxxed” Controversy Never Ending! Outrage Continues As Government Officials Try To Quash Groundbreaking Film You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here: “Censorship” is a word a lot of people throw around haphazardly, without actually understanding what it really means. For instance, if you are the host of a television show and your broadcaster/boss decides it doesn’t want you on its payroll anymore, that’s not censorship.… Read the rest

Take Action: Stop CDC Whistle Blower Thompson from Recanting His Truth to Repeat More Lies

Take Action: Stop CDC Whistle Blower Thompson from Recanting His Truth to Repeat More Lies
Now, with the vaccine industry running [justifiably] scared, it is believed that Dr. Thompson has once again succumbed to pressure and is about to “re-examine” the data “proving” that it is perfectly fine to inject toxins into your children. It is not perfectly fine: he knows it and so do we. Vaccine Truth, however, is about to be delivered a body blow of enormous proportion.

From India, With Confusion: How Did Vaccine Truth Film Get Censored?

From India, With Confusion: How Did Vaccine Truth Film Get Censored?
The vaccine battle, like the battle to end nuclear radiation and genetic modification of life forms, is part of a battle for our very survival at the genomic level. We are not facing the adversary of insane science-for-profit. We are facing a far more dangerous adversary which has every intention of “bringing about” what they call “transhumanism” or defiling our very genome for their own purposes.

Robert DeNiro Failed Us All

Robert DeNiro Failed Us All
When the totally-exonerated Dr. Andrew Wakefield teamed up with investigative Reporter Dal Bigtree to tell the story of the CDC Whistleblower William W. Thompson, PhD, in Vaxxed: the Documentary, they were doing a public service and creating a necessary piece of information at the same time. Apparently it must also have some significant merit as a film because it was accepted for showing at the Tribeca Film Festival run by Robert DeNiro and his two partners and supported by American Express and other corporate megaliths.… Read the rest