Dear Doctor,
I hope you are surrounded by loved – and loving – ones this Holiday season.
I am not. My husband of 25 years, Maj. General Albert N. Stubblebine III died – unnecessarily, we firmly believe, on his birthday, February 6, 2017. He died in my arms, fighting to stay alive but prevented from being able to do so by acts of both commission and omission during 158 days in New Jersey Hospitals*.
Let me be frank and direct: I need an expert willing to sign an unbiased and accurate Certification of Merit after reviewing the records of General Bert’s shocking medical care in an expert capacity. That affidavit will allow me to file the necessary legal documents to bring the appropriate legal action against those who should have worked hard to keep him alive, but did just the opposite.
New Jersey, where he succumbed to the “care” he received, has a 2 year statute of limitations and, to tell the truth, I was not emotionally able to tolerate the grief and rage I experienced in pouring over the records with a very, very fine tooth comb until quite recently (and even then it was devastating for me).
But I have done so and the results are nothing short of shocking to the conscience. When an anonymous whistle-blower from one of the hospitals mailed me a plain brown envelope with a couple damning pages from those records, shortly after his death, I knew I had to find justice for General Bert.
Our expert witness needs to be licensed at the same level of education and standards as would be required in New Jersey so only an MD or a DO can serve in this capacity. It is not relevant what state in the US you are licensed in. Your specialty needs to be one that would include knowledge in one or more of the following: internal medicine, geriatric medicine, cardiology, family practice, infectious disease, endocrinology and similar.
General Bert was a leader and a brilliant strategist. He was also my beloved, the fixed star of my heavens. To lose him through a natural death would be devastating. To lose him through an unnecessary one is beyond intolerable and justice must be sought. Who knows? It might even be served.
If you are interested in providing expert opinion so that we can file this case, please write to me at my private email, releyes3@Gmail.com and please cc: Counsel Ralph at ralph.fucetola@Gmail.com as well.
Once you do that, we can discuss the particulars.
Thank you for your help, Doctor.
And, for those of you who are not able to provide the necessary expert opinion, please send any suggestions you might have of doctors who could or would to us at those same email addresses.
And thank you, in advance, for your participation and support.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
PS – You can also help keep natural solutions available by donating to our sister exempt NGO, Institute for Health Research here: https://fundly.com/support-natural-therapies
* — His hospitalization resulted in a significant precedent when a Superior Court Judge ordered the hospital to allow me to feed him real food and real nutrients through his feeding tube. That, and finally allowing IV Vit C, resulted in rapid improvement — this may have “encouraged” the conspiracy to kill him which we have uncovered. http://www.opensourcetruth.com/finally-feeding-general-bert/
I visited General Bert the day before his life was ended. He was clearly recovering as a result of the nutrition and IV Vitamin C. I concur with Dr. Rima that General Bert was taken from us unnecessarily.