A Message from General Bert: Your Free Will at Stake

A Message from General Bert: Your Free Will at Stake
GENERAL BERT ON OUR SPIRITUAL BATTLE  “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Ephesians 6:12 As some of our Open Source Truth readers are aware Natural Solutions Foundation’s founding President, the late Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine, the two-star officer who brought Remote Viewing to the US Military, has refused to stay dead after being killed by nefarious forces on his birthday in 2017. … Read the rest

General Bert Estimate of Situation

General Bert Estimate of Situation
Spiked Protein Shedding Risk General Bert: They are Weaponizing the Vaccinated Into Bioweapon Terrorists! Dr. Rima and her husband General Bert have been engaged in an intimate conversation since shortly after his apparent death on his 86th Birthday in 2017.  She has been “remote viewing” him and several thousand pages of extraordinary material have come through.  More about that here:  www.GeneralBertSpeaks.com… Read the rest

General Bert: Estimate of Situation

General Bert: Estimate of Situation
Two Transmissions from General Bert Shopping the FAO Schwartz of Events and The Larger Issues Estimates of Situation from the Other Side 25 January and 24 February 2021 Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army) February 6, 1930-February 6, 2017 General Bert has been transmitting messages to Dr. Rima and a few others “from the other side” since his untimely death on his 86th birthday in 2017. … Read the rest

In Memory of General Bert on Veterans’ Day

In Memory of General Bert on Veterans’ Day
This Tribute was Written by Dr. Laibow In Honor of Veterans’ Day 2020 Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army) February 6, 1930-February 6, 2017 General Bert’s Book www.GeneralBertSpeaks.com General Bert Stubblebine correctly identified the seminal battle that humankind faces in the 21st Century when he said “Informed Consent is the defining issue of the 21st Century.” That informed consent is about more than medical treatments, vaccinations and the like and the degree to which we surrender our bodies to medical care.… Read the rest

General Bert Speaks

General Bert Speaks
Enchanted and Astonished — Must Read! www.GeneralBertSpeaks.com [Some Browsers may tell you this link is unsafe. That is not true.] What if a World Leader Came Back from the Dead to Talk to Us? He Has! I have been keeping a secret about General Bert and now it is time to share it General Bert died of unnatural causes on his birthday nearly three years ago.… Read the rest

Help Us Find Justice for General Bert

Help Us Find Justice  for General Bert
JUSTICE FOR GENERAL BERTOpen Letter to Health Freedom MD’s, DO’s Dear Doctor, I hope you are surrounded by loved – and loving – ones this Holiday season. I am not. My husband of 25 years, Maj. General Albert N. Stubblebine III died – unnecessarily, we firmly believe, on his birthday, February 6, 2017. He died in my arms, fighting to stay alive but prevented from being able to do so by acts of both commission and omission during 158 days in New Jersey Hospitals*.… Read the rest

One Year Later, Is General Bert Really Dead?

One Year Later, Is General Bert Really Dead?
One Year Later, Is General Bert Really Dead?           [Note from Counsel Ralph]  It has been a year since Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III,  founding president of the Natural Solutions Foundation (known to his many friends as General Bert), apparently died.           You can imagine that this has been a rough year for Dr. Rima, his widow, who is also my good friend and colleague, as we have continued to struggle for Health Freedom without General Bert’s direct leadership and wisdom. … Read the rest

GMail, Yahoo Kill NSF Access for Nearly 40K Health Freedom Supporters!

GMail, Yahoo Kill NSF Access for Nearly 40K Health Freedom Supporters!
This kind of constant attack, on websites, email lists, resources, etc., is confirmation, according to Foundation Trustee and Medical Director Rima E. Laibow, MD, "that we are doing good work targeting the globalists' most vulnerable deceptions - and giving people the tools that they can use to protect themselves from unwanted vaccines and other dangers. Clearly, they don't like that very much!"


  GENERAL BERT’S ECONOMIC EMERGENCY ALERT www.NaturalSolutionsGold.comRough Economic Seas are dead ahead. For once economic indicators and pundits agree. Consider, for example, the Baltic Dry Index and the CNN headline above. . Whether you think you are swimming through those seas on the back of a bull or a bear, one thing is clear: the ancient wisdom for surviving times like this is the best advice there is right now: BUY GOLD!… Read the rest