#Don’tYouDare “Are We Seeing the Beginning of Vaccine Fascism?” Asks a Reader. Here’s Dr. Rima’s Answer

#Don’tYouDare  “Are We Seeing the Beginning of Vaccine Fascism?” Asks a Reader. Here’s Dr. Rima’s Answer
Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 28, 2021 I get emails from a question board called Quora and lately people have been asking me to answer questions about the COIVD-19 vaccines and disease. Today I received a request to answer “Are We Seeing the Beginning of Vaccine Fascism?” and posted my answer.  I am reposting it here in the hopes that it will be something that Open Source Truth readers can share with their friends, families and colleagues who still think that getting a vaccine for COVID-19 makes some sort of sense or, even worse, endorse the idea that people should be forced to do so instead of asserting their right of Informed Consent and refusing those vaccines.… Read the rest

#DontYouDare Did Virologist/Immunologist Robert Osward Write “There is No COVID-19”?

#DontYouDare  Did Virologist/Immunologist Robert Osward Write “There is No COVID-19”?
Robert Oswald, PhD Virologist and Immunologist Cornell University School of Veterinary Science Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 2, 2021 On December 31, Project Camelot published a statement purportedly by Dr. Robert Oswald, immunologist and virologist at Cornell University stating that the COVID 19 virus does not exist. [1] That statement is reproducer below.… Read the rest

The Global Reset Scenario

The Global Reset Scenario
WILL WE REMAIN HUMAN? The good folks at Zero Hedge continue to provide deep insight into deep state manipulation of our potential futures.  This article by Tessa Lina on the so-called “Great Reset” is a must-read. [1] https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/great-reset-dummies Here are some salient points from the article: “the Great Reset is an extremely ambitious plan of restructuring both the world’s economy—and the very notion of what it means to be alive.… Read the rest

Faucist Coup in Motion? Whistleblower Interview

Faucist Coup in Motion? Whistleblower Interview
Unmasked Crusaders Podcast + Livestream Tuesday – November 10th – 6 PM ET Excerpts from the Zach Vorheis Interview https://www.brighteon.com/dashboard/videos/00a288d0-e785-449a-b0d8-db88d22f0098 URGENT MESSAGE FROM DR RIMA Whose Revolution Will It Be? Are We on the Verge of the Great American ‘Color Revolution’? Tuesday 6 PM EST Listening Details Below Red… Orange… Yellow… Green… Blue… Since the Fall of the Soviet Union a series of ‘Color Revolutions’ have challenged, even overthrown, globalist tyrants. … Read the rest

They Cannot Take a Joke

They Cannot Take a Joke
When is Satire Truer than “the Truth”? One of my favorite satire sites, www.babylonbee.com  was just suspended by Twitter and Facebook. Well, it looks like I am in good company, as I was banned by Facebook too!  Here is my article on being banned:  http://www.opensourcetruth.com/free-from-facebook-shadow-banning-and-mind-control/ Let’s keep laughing so we don’t have to cry! —— Original Message —— Received: 07:06 PM EDT, 10/28/2020 From: “Babylon Bee” Subject: Twitter Suspends Conservative Satire Site It’s been quite a week.… Read the rest

Google and YouTube Sued for Censorship

Google and YouTube Sued for Censorship
Spurred by Whistleblower Revelations Big Tech Must Answer in Court Pre-Election TRO Sought Leading California civil liberties lawyer Cris Armenta has just filed a major freedom of speech lawsuit against Big Tech giant YouTube and its parent company, Google.  Working with Zach Vorhies, the Whistleblower who revealed Google’s 12 member “Hate Speech Committee” (half of whom are Red Chinese Nationals) the lawsuit alleges massive and systemic violations of Section 230 of the Telecommunications Act, the companies’ terms of contract and Freedom of Speech with regard to centrist, conservative and libertarian opinion communications.… Read the rest

Free from Facebook Shadow Banning and Mind Control

Free from Facebook Shadow Banning and Mind Control
The Great Facebook Purge of 2020 Redux #FacebookPurgeFree At Last! From Shadow Banning and Mind Control I reported earlier this week how I was among the thousands banned from Facebook, without warning.  You can read about that here:  http://www.opensourcetruth.com/facebook-purge/ What I didn’t realize was just how addicted to Facebook I had become.  I really appreciated being able to connect with my large and widespread family. … Read the rest

Facebook Ambush

Facebook Ambush
The Great Facebook Purge of 2020 Or How I Learned to Live in American Political Apartheid as a Banned Unperson In a Virtual Internment Camp Update:  http://www.opensourcetruth.com/free-from-facebook-shadow-banning-and-mind-control/ After about ten years as a loyal Facebook user, as Admin for a half-dozen groups and enjoying the social connections it offered to my wide-spread family, a couple of days ago I was expelled from Facebook suddenly — along with my nephew, Jeff.… Read the rest

Natural Solutions Livestream Expanding!

Natural Solutions Livestream Expanding!
Subscribe to Our BitChute Channel Now Our Podcasts will be Archived on BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/CBvYE8aLM0Ll/ We are pleased to announce that our weekly livestream is being picked-up by the People for People Network (PFP).  People around the world will be able to see and hear Dr. Rima, Counsel Ralph and their guests. Our program airs every Tuesday, 6 to 8 PM Eastern.… Read the rest