Don’t You Dare! Must See, Must Share: Rothschilds Patented COVID 19 Test Starting in 2016

Don’t You Dare!  Must See, Must Share: Rothschilds Patented COVID 19 Test Starting in 2016
Commentary by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation March 9, 2021 Lest anyone think that the supposed pandemic we are suffering under was a surprise to anyone, look at the patented “System and Method for Testing for COVID-19” following on the heels of similar patents and patent applications staring  in 2015. Note the date.  It is several years before the alleged COVID-19 virus came into supposed existence.… Read the rest

Learning How to Kneel

Learning How to Kneel
THIS VIDEO SHOULD GO VIRAL! The resistance to illegitimated power in the era of Declared Pandemics and society lockdowns takes many forms. Given our hyper-linked, mediated culture, the satiric video is among these “Memes” [1] that define our era.  This video juxtaposes images and situations that have become far too familiar. Through ridicule we find freedom… ASSERT YOUR RIGHT OF INFORMED CONSENT!… Read the rest


JOIN THE #GreatGlobalSocialMediaBoycott Update: I posted this article at The Bolen Report: Before there was the “Great Global Social Media Boycott…” – being done by OUR side there were the three “Social Media Purges of 2018, 2020 and 2021” done to us by them. First they came for the “Neo Nazis” and nobody complained. Then they came for Alex Jones and a few people complained.… Read the rest

Operational Security & Joining Telegram

Operational Security & Joining Telegram
OPERATIONAL SECURITY RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend joining Telegram. It is a currently (almost entirely) uncensored and encrypted social media platform that, as it says, supports one to one and one to many communications. While the censored “legacy” social media were losing a half billion members (by banning or quitting) Telegram gained a half billion users. When you go to you will find this screen: You can send “DMs” — direct messages — to people with whom you are connected, or join Groups (smaller, private discussions) or Channels (larger The OST Telegram Group is:… Read the rest