Drs. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough sue Twitter for censoring COVID posts

Drs. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough sue Twitter for censoring COVID posts
The group’s lawyer alleged that Twitter ‘chose to abandon its role as a neutral internet service provider and instead openly and intentionally collude with government to silence lawful speech.’ (Reclaim The Net) – Drs. Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, and Bryan Tyson have filed a lawsuit against Twitter, alleging that the social media giant silenced them for posting truthful information about COVID-19.… Read the rest

US Officer Risked It All Refusing Pentagon Vaccine Order, Navy Board Unanimously Confirmed He Did the Right Thing

US Officer Risked It All Refusing Pentagon Vaccine Order, Navy Board Unanimously Confirmed He Did the Right Thing
A U.S. Navy board delivered a rare rebuke to the Pentagon after finding in favor of a COVID-19 vaccine objector in a unanimous decision that questioned the lawfulness of the vaccine mandate. The case that came before the Navy’s nine-member administrative separation board struck a blow for members of the U.S. military all across the board and could serve as a precedent — leading to the end of the COVID-19 vaccine mandates.… Read the rest

Fauci Tells Congress he Never Smeared Top Scientists as ‘Fringe’

Fauci Tells Congress he Never Smeared Top Scientists as ‘Fringe’
Fauci parses words under oath when confronted by lawmaker (official WH photo) In a House hearing, Thursday with Rep. Ben Cline, R-Va., Dr. Anthony Fauci denied that he ever characterized the Oxford, Harvard and Stanford epidemiologists who authored the Great Barrington Declaration as “fringe” scientists. “On what basis did you identify these scientists as fringe?” Cline asked, referring to Dr. Martin Kulldorf of Harvard, Dr.… Read the rest

What We Know About Coronavirus

What We Know About Coronavirus
More Proof COVID-19 Lock-down is Economic/Political Theater: Israeli Scientist Shows COVID-19 Follows Same Course With or Without Lock-down Opinion by Rima E. Laibow, MD Disastrous economic shutdowns and quarantine/lock-downs to “flatten the curve” of COVID-19 infections to “protect the health system from being overwhelmed” have been imposed on much of the world without a single shred of reputable scientific information to justify these measures.… Read the rest

US Govt Warns “We are on Brink of Pandemic”

US Govt Warns “We are on Brink of Pandemic”
US Govt Warns “We are on Brink of Pandemic” COVID-19 Pandemic Nearly Here Says Top US Official www.TruthAboutCoronavirus.com “We’re really kind of at that brink. If China can contain their outbreak much better than they are and prevent wide distribution, we could avoid a global pandemic. If they don’t, we’re gonna have a global pandemic. We’re teetering right on the line …” — Anthony Fauci, Head of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Feb.… Read the rest

Another Weaponized Virus?

Another Weaponized Virus?
Coronavirus Information Aggregation Page: www.TruthAboutCoronavirus.com We are re-posting this important note from Jim Stone, previously posted at Rumor Mill News.  The Chinese government has cancelled the Chinese New Year’s celebration and travel, starting yesterday by quarantining over eleven million people in the City of Wuhan — now over twenty-five million are quarantined. No one is permitted in or out of the quarantine area.… Read the rest