Wear a Mask? Accept a Vaccine? Or Not!
Advance Vaccine Directive (AVD) Advance Sanitary Mask Directive (ASMD)
“I Refuse All Vaccines” “I Refuse Sanitary Masking”
Assert Your Right to Refuse Vaccines AND Masking
Low Introductory Prices
Pre Order Now for August Delivery: Supplies Are Expected to Sell Out Quickly
Click Here to Order Your Advance Medical Directive Cards
Health Freedom means YOU decide what happens to YOUR body
Informed Consent. Health Freedom Advocates use the gold AVD card to do just that in the face of vaccine coercion and mandates. The AVD card is a legally binding, protected Advance Medical Directive similar to cards that say “I am a diabetic” or “I am allergic to ___” or “I refuse all transfusions”.
Sanitary masking edicts are just as unwelcome as vaccine ones to many of us.
The freedom-destroying “Declared Pandemic” has led to unscientific and potentially unsafe sanitary masking rules which also infringe on your Right of Informed Consent. In the United States, they also violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) once you assert your right to refuse them in the proper way. Natural Solutions Foundation supports your Health Freedom and has developed a new Advance Sanitary Masking Directive card (ASMD) to assert your right to NOT mask under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
It’s time to reject what Gerald Celente brilliantly calls “Sado-Mask-ism”: stop the ‘PC Commissars’ who are attempting to control you.
Both the Silver ASMD Card and the Gold AVD card are wallet sized, laminated signature cards, perfect for Health Freedom Advocates.
The Gold AVD Card asserts your right to refuse vaccines.
The Silver ASMD Card asserts your right to go mask free.
Not only do you not have to wear a mask under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) if it would bother you emotionally or physically, questioning you on your reasons or challenging them is a crime under that law.
To find out if you qualify under the ADA, take our “Mask Ask”: Do you breathe? Do you feel that sanitary masks interfere with your respiratory or other functions or cause anxiety or other emotional discomfort?
Yes? Then you have the right to refuse to mask. And you have the right to do so while not disclosing any particular reason or disability when asserting that right correctly.
When you receive your AVD and ASMD cards, you will also receive a sheet of written instructions explaining what your rights are and how best to assert them.
Tyranny feeds on silence and fearful assent. If you believe that vaccination and/or masking violates your choice, Natural Solutions Foundation is providing the tools to break the silence and NOT assent.
Order your Advance Medical Directive Cards Here
Your Freedom is Vital to Mine: Mine is Essential to Yours
Natural Solutions Foundation is committed to helping every Health Freedom Advocates assert his/her Informed Consent right.
To introduce the ground-breaking ASMD card we’ve drastically reduced the cost of BOTH the Gold and Silver Advance Medical Directive Cards. And we’ll cover US Shipping and Handling!
Introductory Prices Expire August 31, 2020
Health Freedom Advocate support is extraordinarily important and has allowed us to make a special deal with the manufacturer to introduce the ASMD at a deep discount for a limited time only.
DEEP DISCOUNTS for a Limited Time!
During this introductory special, order either Advance Medical Directive card for just $19.95 for 1 card (regularly $42.50, you save $22.55), or get both cards for $29.95 (regularly $85.00, you save $77.57).
Shipping and handling is included for orders placed through August 31, 2020.
Save More!
Remember, each person needs his/her individual
Advance Medical Directive cards, including children
1 – $19.95 @ $19.95 ea, regularly $42.50, you save $22.55
2 – $29.95 @ $14.97 ea, regularly $85.00, you save $71.55
4 – $49.93 @ $12.48 ea, regularly $127.50, you save $77.57
6 – $69.95 @ $11.65 ea, regularly $195.00, you save $125.50
8 – $94.95 @ $11.86 ea, regularly $260.00, you save $165.05
10 – $119.95 @ $11.99 ea, regularly $320.00, you save $200.05
For larger quantities or other combinations, please contact
You and your loved ones need the Advance Medical Directive Cards to assert your Informed Consent properly: they literally “Speak Truth to Power” for you.
Thousands of people now use the Gold Advance Vaccine Directive Card. Imagine what it would mean if millions have — and use — both the Advance Vaccine Directive (AVD) and Advance Sanitary Masking Directive (ASMD) cards! Vaxx Mandate Madness and Sado-Mask Mandate Madness would not stand a chance!
NOTE: While the AVD card is valid in every country which has ratified the Geneva Convention (nearly every country in the world), the ASMD card relies specifically on US law and may not be accepted in other countries.
If a store refuses you entering to buy without a mask, can you legally be given the alternative to order online and have it delivered to you if you have a silver card?
David, the whole point of the Silver Advance Sanitary Masking Directive is that you do not have to mask since you are claiming the protection of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).
Exactly. 🙄
Well I went in Menards store showed card they never cared one bit . They need sued I told the guy could be sued an supreme court ruling never card . What do you suggest
Under the Americans with Disability Act that would be discriminatory treatment and is not permitted.
Can these cards be used for mandatory masking by employers? What about mandatory vaccination by employers when that comes around?
I cannot give you legal advice, but under the ADA you cannot be compelled to do what will compromise your well-being and no one can ask you about it.
For that reason, asserting the protection of the ADA is a powerful tool whether we are talking about merchants, politicians or employers who want you to mask.
Please see our FAQ page on vaccines on this site and see our articles on the ADA protection here, too. And then share them as widely as you can.
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