The 21st Century Cures Act is Full of Medical Horrors. Not only does it nullify our protected right of Informed Consent by allowing unannounced clinical trials if fewer than 8000 people are involved, it also deprives people of safe, secure, cost-effective treatments. Here is a personal account of that nightmare.
Rima E. Laibow, MD August 8, 2017
Laura B. Coleman, PhD, has a rare genetic disorder.… Read the rest
Tag: Natural Solutions Foundation
Share This Graphic and Letter to Support Childhood Vaccine Moratorium
Rima E Laibow, MD – August 6, 2017
Every vaccine in the US is illegal since not one of them has met the statutory requirements that they be shown to be safe and effective before they can be licensed. Every vaccine dose causes demonstrable harm to the recipient. Every one. Yet the fraudulent myth persists that vaccines are safe (they are not) and that they are necessary (they are not).… Read the rest
Medical “Science” Gets It Wrong – AGAIN! Don’t Finish That Antibiotic RX!
The idea of completing antibiotics courses is deeply embedded in doctors and patients. Natural Health advocates have said for decades that it is unscientific and dangerous. They were right. The longer antibiotic exposure continues, the bigger the foothold resistant species will gain. These resistant strains can be transmitted directly between people who have no symptoms of illness.
Rima E. Laibow, MD August 3, 2017
Newsmax Health made this informative and important article available to the general public.… Read the rest
Summer of Zika: What Can You Believe? WHAT CAN YOU DO?
What’s Wrong with this Picture? Quite a Lot, Actually.
Holistic MD Discloses Government Zika Pesticide Birth Defect, Cancer Risks
Say NO to Human Experiments on You and Your Neighborhood!
This brief report on Zika and pesticide spraying in Florida
is a condensed version of a longer, scholarly article available without cost here:
Special Report by Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation
Report Published 11 August 2016 by the Institute for Health Research
Special Report Excerpts:
ZIKA in Florida.… Read the rest
Have the Milennials Lost Their Future to Globalists? August 3 Round Table Announced
GMail, Yahoo Kill NSF Access for Nearly 40K Health Freedom Supporters!
This kind of constant attack, on websites, email lists, resources, etc., is confirmation, according to Foundation Trustee and Medical Director Rima E. Laibow, MD, "that we are doing good work targeting the globalists' most vulnerable deceptions - and giving people the tools that they can use to protect themselves from unwanted vaccines and other dangers. Clearly, they don't like that very much!"
Brexit Broke It! Globalist Bashed But What About You?
There are untold uncertainties about how the British exit from the EU will play out. One thing is sure, though: gold wins.
Dollars, Euros, Yen, Yuan, Drachma and Pesos lose. But Gold wins!
So what’s a regular person to do while the globalist plans for hegemony get pushed back?
While you celebrate, buy gold. As much gold as you can afford. Maybe a bit more.
Youtube Livestream “Fails” to Process Powerful Interview With Aussie Vax Truth Teller Meryl Dorey
Meryl Dorey is no stranger to opposition. As a leading voice of vaccine truth in Australia, a nation with a No Jab, No Pay law depriving parents of about $16,000 US per year per child if they do not vaccinate their children, regardless of religious or other objections they may have to those vaccinations, Meryl has seen her share of attacks, opposition and chicanery.
In fact, there were Australian trolls present on that chat yesterday, March 30, 2016, when Meryl appeared as the guest on the Dr. Rima Truth Reports, broadcast via live stream every Wednesday from 6-8 PM Eastern with access through
Fukushima 5 Years After: Free Ebook Now Available
Given that conventional nuclear engineering has nothing to offer the clean-up of what is arguably the most devastating nuclear accident in the history of the planet, unconventional solutions that work are essential. Following a chilling discussion of the real risk levels posed by Fukushima by world-renowned radiation risk expert Dr. Chris Busby, scientists focused on how to deal with the situation as it is and the answers may well astonish you.
Conventional Medicine Major Cause of Death
According to doctors like Dr Rima, when the doctor hands you a prescription, urged on, of course, by the pretty/handsome young and appealing drug rep, you are the buying end of a deadly industry, no matter what the marketing says about medical wisdom, science-based medicine and the like. You are a cash cow and, frankly, the sicker you are, the better for the pharmaceutical dairy farmers milking you.